Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe that it had been Aleyn, of all people, to suggest that we go after the enemy on our own. He always seemed like the type to follow orders, without question, and it made me wonder why he would defy them. 

"You know the plan?" Aleyn asked. 

"Of course," I responded smoothly. 

"Then let's go." 

We walked out of the castle unchallenged. The story was that we were going on a picnic- which, I know, was unoriginal and stupid, but it had been Aleyn's idea. Also, I couldn't help but think that if we could get out of the castle this easily, how easy would it be for someone else to get in? I needed to mention-

My thoughts were interrupted by a boy flying across our path. Aleyn stopped short, annoyance flashing in his eyes. "What do you want, Zander?" 

"I know where you're going," Zander replied. He was short and wiry, with curly black hair that went down to his shoulders. 

I tensed, but Aleyn didn't seem surprised. "Yes, you do. We're going on a picnic." 

"Except you're not. You lied." 

I couldn't help but wonder how he knew, the instantly got annoyed at myself. I had been using the word "wonder" way too much lately. I didn't usually wonder about anything. 

Aleyn sighed, like he knew there was no arguing with this kid. 

Aleyn turned to me. "Zander here is your half brother. We might have lied just a tad about you being the only one with abilities, but we had to convince you, didn't we?" 

Anger flared in me. "You lied?" 

"Of course we lied, Merlyn. If you had known that you had another sibling, another relative, would you really have agreed to this? And besides, Zander's not near as powerful as you. He wouldn't have been any use, not unless you wanted some visions of the past present and future to help out." 

I rolled my eyes. "Isn't anyone with unnatural abilities helpful in this c-" Aleyn yanked me aside as a group of guards went by. "We're wasting too much time arguing. Merlyn, are you still with me?" 

I sighed. "Of course." 

"I'm coming too," Zander said cheerfully. "Where are we going?" 

Aleyn glanced at me, and I shrugged. "We'll tell you on the way," Aleyn said. And then we were off. 

Aleyn started walking at a brisk pace again, and I groaned, thinking that we were going to have to walk the whole way again. Aleyn, clearly sensing my discomfort, called back,  "We're just going to the stables. We're going to ride there." 

I mentally slapped myself in the face. That was an important detail of the plan and I had neither asked nor been told it. Most importantly because I had never learned how to ride a horse. 

"You know how to ride, right?" Aleyn asked, glaring at me.

"No, I don't know how to ride. Why on earth would I know how to ride a horse?" 

"Then you can ride behind me. I'll teach you when we get back." 

Aleyn and Zander both moved to saddle the horses, and Zander suddenly tensed. "Someone's coming." 

Aleyn continued to saddle the horses, moving a little bit faster now. He ushered Zander on, looking at me. "They're going to try to take us back. Do your part." 

Instantly understanding, I concentrated, and the shield came quicker this time. It sparked around us,  just in the nick of time. The guards came flying around the corner, and I had ten seconds to wonder why they were coming after us. They were supposed to think we were going on a picnic, after all. 

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