Stay with me, cause your, all I need

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Kara looked down into the ship, and horror quickly replaced joy. Monel was literally soaking in his own blood, his left arm was ripped open so Kara could his bones, he had a gaping hole in his abdomen, his right hand and wrist looked to be broken, if not shattered.

"Oh, Monel," Kara whispered barely brushed her fingers along his jawline. She felt tears of sadness and anger well up in her eyes. she would find who did this.

~A feel hours later in the DEO hospital~

Kara sat in the chair, looking Monel, passed out and weak in the bed just like she had done a few years ago. Kara smiled sadly remembering when he woke up and kissed her softly. He had said to was okay he was going to die because he had gotten to kiss her. All she wanted to do now was wrap him up in her cape and arms, and never let anyone go near him, to protect him. To love him. She had her chance, she could have asked him to stay with her, he would have too.

"I should have asked you to stay." Kara said looking down at their hands, she had both of her wrapped around his right one.

"I would have to." A gravelly voice said. Kara's head snapped up, he was awake, looking into her eyes.

"Monel... I'm-"

"Don't, Hey look at me," Monel said, tipping her chin so she was looking at him. "don't you dare apologize to me, you have done nothing wrong." He said. A tear ran out of Kara's eye, Monel wiped it away. Kara sniffled.

"Oh, I should go get Alex." She said letting go of his hand. He didn't want her to go, he never wanted her to leave again. All the memories of what happened to him came flooding back. A shiver ran down his spine.

"Monel your up," Alex said entering the room.

"Hey, Alex. It's nice to see you again." He said. Kara smiled, but wouldn't make eye contact with him. He wondered if something had happened to her, or if he had done something wrong.

"I know how much you hate hospitals, but I need you to stay here for a night." Alex said. All alone? He thought.

"Okay." He answered.

"After that, you can stay here at the DEO, or we can work at getting you set up somewhere." Alex said kindly.

"Thank you Alex." Monel said. Alex nodded and smiled at both of them and walked out. Kara was about to follow her when Monel spoke again.

"Kara, wait." She turned around, still not looking at him. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Monel asked he had a concerned look in his eyes.

"No, It's me," Kara said sighing as she sat down on the edge of his bed. "I feel like it's my fault you're like this. I should have told you to stay. I should have... I should have protected you."

"This is not your fault, the only people who are in the wrong here are the people that did this to me. And, If I had stayed, they would have come for me here to, and you would have gotten hurt trying to protect me. I would have gone through this a thousand times more if it kept you safe." Kara sniffled and smiled sadly.

"I'm really glad your back." She said.

"Me too." He answered.

A few hours later Monel sat in the dark DEO hospital, staring the ceiling. He had flashbacks every time he closed his eyes.

"I knew you'd still be up." Monel looked up, there was Kara, in her PJ's, holding two bags and the red blanket from her apartment.

"I know how much you hate hospitals, so I brought you somethings." She said smiling.

Monel smiled back at her, "You know me so well."

"Here." She said offering the blanket to him. he smiled and took it. "Now I'm not supposed to be here, so don't tell Alex." She whispered. They smiled at each other,

~the next morning~

"Sleep well?" Alex asked leaning in the doorway. Kara cursed in Kryptonian.

"Busted," Monel said, with the biggest smile on his face. Kara glared at him. Kara and Monel had talked through the night, Kara had fallen asleep on his arm.

"Meet me for training in 5." Alex said.

"You couldn't have warned me?" Kara anger whispered at Monel. He just smiled and watched her leave. He leaned down and sniffed the blanket closing his eyes.

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