Chapter 16

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Levi's POV

After 3 hours, we went down to the small square to hang around and just relax. Buy some souvenirs... talk with friends... get food. Whatever. But as long as I was with her... that was enough for me. Underneath our clothes, we wore bathing suits, hoping we could swim in the pool before we're all sent to sleep.

On the way down, I held her hand, holding her close to me. She giggles softly, "Aren't you protective?"

Rolling my eyes, I smirk at her. "Hey, think of all the possibilities that could happen to you if I wasn't here to protect you. Besides... I love having you close, Shitty Glasses." My cheeks grew warm once more... I could never lie to her like that.

"A-Anyways... what do you want to do?" She asks, fidgeting as she pushes the button in the elevator. "I-If we're just hanging out in the square... I don't want to be the only one having fun... it makes me feel weird whenever I see you... well, not enjoying yourself or anything like that. After all you... you came with me to protect me and to be near me... why don't you enjoy yourself?"

Sighing... I wondered why... I loved being near my Shitty Glasses... "To be honest... I don't know. Just being near you is satisfying already." Not even trying, I smiled. Wide and prideful. "You understand that?"

"I understand..."

*   *   *

Walking around, I watched her twirl a bit as she walked to the fountain. My eyes watched her, as well as looking around her. Some guys, German citizens, I believe, watched her twirl and smirked. Disgusted by them, I walked close to Hanji, which turned their eyes away from her. To see their reactions were joy to my eyes.

Even Hanji smiled at it with amusement in her sparkling eyes. "What do you want to do?" She asks me, a hyper child in her was restrained in her voice. 

Sighing, I tried to think what we can do together... but the only options was for me to stay with her. "H-Hanji... I don't know what to do. I just-" Water splashed on my whole left side. As I turned to see who did that, it was the one and only Hanji with water dripping from her fingers and a smirk grew on her face. "Hanji..." I growled softly as her smirk turned into a playful smile.

"Come and get me!" She shouts as she turned heel and ran, laughing towards me.

I couldn't resist a good chase... so I went after her, full speed. I never noticed that I was laughing this whole entire time... just being with her... allowed me to be... different, I guess. Also, she was good at running- no wonder she was hard for guys to flirt with her... she was too fast. Damn... I'm glad I have her...

*   *   *

What seemed like hours... I finally tracked her down to a field filled with various colors of flowers. She trips, giggling as she fell,  and I tackled her, laughing. Turns onto her back, looking up to me and her arms wrapped around. Panting hard, I kissed her, only making her giggle.

"Dammit it, Shitty Glasses..." I grumbled a bit as I pushed myself off of her, rolling on my back and gazed at the sky. Already, the sun was setting, so the sky had various shades of blue was blended on the black canvass.

Hanji then turned to her side, looking at me with a smile wide on her face. "What's wrong, my one and only midget?" She giggles softly, but attempted to restrain herself.

"N-Nothing, Hanji..." But I did want to talk to her. I just... couldn't contain myself. My own mind lost control as my body controlled everything I said and did. I reached up to her, kissing her. Obviously, she jumped in surprise,  but calmed down and let me linger there with her. "I love you so fucking much..." The words practically fell out of my mouth. 

She chuckles, kissing me back. "I love you too, midget. And... I'm happy you're here with me, Levi. I-I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come."

Hearing that, I smiled towards her. "You would've called me, asking either for you to come back home or pleading me to come with you to Germany. And besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't support my girlfriend?"

"I don't know... but I'll know you wouldn't be the worst boyfriend in the entire world." She nuzzles me. "Anyways... we should get some dinner, right? Don't want to go hungry."

*   *   *

After dinner, we went back up to the hotel room to settle down for the night. Me, being the best boyfriend, allowed her to shower first, though it was a tragic thing that we didn't go swimming today. But, it doesn't matter.

While she showered, I prepared my clothes and other needs while I was in the bathroom- who knew it took girls to freaking shower for 25-ish minutes! I can get it done in 10 and be already dressed. Ugh... 

Once she walked out, I winced as I saw her hair, messy and tangled- I wanted to grab a brush and start brushing it. But deciding to do that later, I showered. The warm water always feels nice after an exhausting day... no matter how hot or cold the outside may be... it was just relaxing.

Stepping into the room, water lingered on my hair, dripping on my collar and I watched Hanji crawling herself to bed. Chuckling, I took her brush and walked to her. "Sleeping?"

"Going to..." She replies, sighing and putting her glasses to the side.

"You good?" I sat next to her, starting to brush the bottom part of her hair. "Come on... you sound... stressed..."

A heavy sigh escapes her body. "You remember Dawn? That... girl..." She winces as I brushed her hair. Not being mean to the shittiest glasses, but she needs to brush her hair. Seeing it tangled like that just sends shivers down my back.

"What about her?" My voice turned gruff... for some reason. 

"She... well, knowing her, she's just bothering me and teasing me... and the picture... from the winter dance... she spread it to everyone. And... well... now they're all saying these things about me." A tear started to fall from her eyes. "W-Why didn't I see this before? I-It makes sense..."

"Hanji..." Putting the brush down, I scoot closer to her.

"The way they looked at me... the whispers, the rumors... everything... it makes sense..." She turned to me, digging her head into my chest and clenching my clothes. "I-I'm... scared..." Her words were muffled as she cried into me.

Sighing, I wanted to end it all. To make people pay for making her feel this way... but of course, I couldn't. All I could do was to coax her to sleep, calm her down. And it lasted for an hour.

Turning off the lights, I wanted to comfort her all night, so I slipped into bed next to her, just holding her close to my chest. She was mine... and people hated that. Hanji... you're the best of the best... and I will never regret choosing you as my girlfriend.

The Bad Boy {LeviHan} [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now