Chapter 11

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Levi's POV

Before school was completely over, I went over to the nurse's office to ensure to Hanji that I was okay. Of course, the nurse gave me the complete opposite diagnosis that I wanted to hear. Apparently, my ribs were broken again, bruising me...  but I didn't want to give my uncle to trouble to go back to the hospital for another set of x-rays. After all... he already was complaining by the time I came back home... and I left the house again. Thankfully, Hanji's parents were more than welcomed to accept me as a visitor until I was old enough to leave. 

Her father's request was to not be lewd to Hanji, even though we were going to date soon. So... I walked tried to walk straight, ignoring the bellowing pain in my chest. I didn't want to disappoint Hanji by going to the hospital instead of the mall for out date. Doing what any good boyfriend would do, I went through the pain for the first date.

Going to the front entrance, I saw Hanji, sitting on a bench, waiting for me. Smiling, I clutched my chest, breathed heavily, and walked over to her. "Hey there..." I say, kissing her cheek without her noticing.

She jumps a bit, but it just made her look cuter. "Ack!" Her face grew red with embarrassment, hiding her beautiful face with her book. "L-Levi... you scared me!" She giggles softly to me. "Did you go to the nurse, like I asked you to?" She blinked her eyes innocently- glad I did go so she wouldn't bug me about it during the date.

"Yes, I did."

"And?" Once more, her eyes blinked innocently. But deep inside her, I knew who she was... a bad boy's girlfriend with a dark mind behind her innocent mask. "What were your results?"


Her eyes changed from milk chocolate to dark chocolate, becoming a bit bitter. "Your ribs are broken, aren't they?"

Putting my hands up in defense, I tried to defend myself, but it wasn't enough to protect me. "Hanji... come on, I'm fine. Look, painless!" I attempted to show her that I was enough, but to prove her own point, she gently tapped against it and I collapsed in pain.

"Seems to me that you're not well... or it's even painless." 

Groaning, I looked at her, "Hanji... I'm fine-"

"You're not fine- we're going to take you to the hospital first off." She tugged on my cast, it didn't hurt hurt, but it did hurt a bit. "I'm not risking it-" Stopping her, I kissed her on her lips... worked for a few seconds because she was stunned. "L-Levi."

"Come on... let me take you on that date first... then you worry about me, okay?"

She sighs, nodding. "Alright... fine..." Hanji released my cast, sighing. "Alright... you win, okay? But I mean it, once it's over, we're going to the hospital. Understand?"

Nodding, I kissed her again. "Alright... fine. Only after this date... just me and you. Promise..." I kissed her again, making her giggle so I could listen to them. 

"Let's go, shall we?"

*   *   *

Taking the bus to the mall, since none of us could drive, I held her close; though it seemed to pain her. Every time I tried to reach her, she scooted away from me. Every subtle hint kept shouting at me that she no longer liked me... but a small part of me said otherwise. That she did care for me...

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I saw her hand with mine, gripping tightly. How could I not feel that? Pulling her a bit closer, she accepted me... "Han-"

"Come on, our stop!" She calls to me as she drags me off. 

*   *   *

4 hours gone by... and as it turned out... she was just plainly worried for me. Stayed distant because she knew I despise being treated like weak. But... I kept pulling her back towards to me... claiming her as mine over and over. It would be the death of me if someone else claims her.

As we waited by one of the department stores for Hanji's mother to picks us up for to go to the hospital, a small group of guys came from the shadows, and instantly, I knew who it was. David Aubren. The one and only person who killed Isabel and Farlan on 'accident.' The guy who got savagely owned by my one and only girlfriend.

"Oi... there you are, princess..." Hanji started to stiffen as he called her out like that. "I'm not quite proud of what you did the last time we met..."

Pulling Hanji to the side, I stepped protectively in front. "Shut the hell up..." I tried to push her away, and she listened. But instead, another one of David's gang grabbed her and I heard her squeal in fear. "Hanji!" Another one grabbed my arms, twisting them to the limit behind my back, making me wince in pain. Not even a small cry of pain would come out of my mouth.

David then moved onwards towards me, curling his fist into a punch. His smirk was filled with cruelty. "So... you're alive... and taking my princess. You know... if I could, I would've made you suffer by watching. Make you see as my little baby grow in her... but of course..." His eyes pointed straight at her with hatred. "I want to make her pay... just a bit."

My eyes started to widen, but the more I fought, the more my limbs stretched. "H-Hanji..." That was the only word that came through my mouth.

He then sighed in annoyance, and delivered a heavy blow to my chest. Deep in my mind, I heard them crunch more. "Shut up, midget." He says to me as he pulled a pocketknife out of back pocket. Hanji squealed quietly as I saw the blade on her stomach, merely being brushed with the blade. "Oh... such precious skin... too bad... it will be scarred."

Quiet, but I heard her cries as I watched. "No!" I couldn't move... my arms were being twisted and I was useless. Tears started to form as I watched some pieces of her blood drip down. "Leave her alone!"

But I was punched again in the stomach, drawing blood to my mouth. Once I lifted my head with blood on my lips, Hanji's glasses were off her face, a cut on her cheek, and a blade on her thigh. "Leave... me... alone..." I hear her voice through her gritted teeth. 

"I can't do that, princess..." Seeing her being strong through the pain... it pained seeing David lean over her. "Come on... a small smooch?"

"Leave... her alone!" The back of my knees were kicked and I fell down to the ground, panting. "Just... leave her! You wanted me... so leave her alone!" I panted out, and I'm thankful that David stepped away from her and towards me. I would take any hit for her.

His eyes wandered towards me, holding the knife. "Well... I won't be too kind on you." Feeling the cold blade on my chest, feeling of Hanji's warm blood on it.

Prepared to take the cut, headlights swarmed over us, honking noises followed. "Hey! What the hell?!" Instead of Hanji's mother's voice coming through, it was her father.

David perked up, staring back in fear before shouting at us. "Scram!"

Once I was dropped, I quickly ran to Hanji, seeing her pants heavily. "L-Lemme go after them..." She says to me as I aided her to the car.

Through pain, I mumbled to her in response to what she said. "No. You're hurt... I'm sorry."

On the way to the hospital, I explained everything to her father. From what happened to Farlan and Isabel to now. The whole ride there... Hanji gripped on my hand, and I saw she was holding back tears from my story. God I'm such a terrible boyfriend. I could never keep up my relationship with her if I constantly put her in danger. It was paramount for me to have her safety before anything else... even higher than my own pain. Hanji Zoe... please forgive me.

The Bad Boy {LeviHan} [Rewrite]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu