Going Home

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I took a deep breath and smelled cologne which isn't usually what I smell in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes to find my head hurting slightly and the cologne wasn't helping at all. Chris, who was still sleeping, moved slightly so his head was on my chest, his hair tickling it. I giggled quietly. His hair was very soft.

Chris wrapped his arms tighter around me, pulling me closer. He rubbed his head against my chest before he stopped moving. I laughed quietly and pulled my fingers through his hair. This was the perfect moment. Deciding that he needed his rest I slowly got out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I decided to make pancakes and bacon. That was my favorite breakfast meal in the world, even though bacon is highly fattening. I poured the oil into the pan and laid 10 pieces of bacon in it, knowing how much Chris liked to eat.

20 minutes later there was two plates of bacon and pancakes on the table. 5 pieces of bacon on each plate and two pancakes on mine. The door to my room opened and Chris burst out, hair wild, "I smell bacon!"

I raised his plate up with a grin, "Time to eat, Thor."

He laughed and took the plate before sitting down and dug in. I sat down and watched him it. Watching Chris eat was like watching a dog eat. He just kept stuffing food in his mouth and chewing. He finally looked up when I started laughing.

"What?" He said through a mouth full of food.

"Watching you eat is funny," I giggled.

He smiled and pointed at my plate. "You want that?" I shook my head and he grabbed it.

I smiled again.


"So India and I are going back to California today," Chris says. We were sitting in the living room, watching the Notebook.

"Really? That's good," I say while tossing some popcorn into my mouth.

"No, I meant do you want to come back with us?" He asks, looking at me seriously. "You'll be able to get away from Tyler."

I nodded.  "Yeah, I know.  But you don't have an extra ticket, do you?"

Chris smirked before leaping off the couch snd getting his jacket, pulling out a thin piece of paper from the pocket and waving it at me,"You should know, I'm always prepared. "

I nod and laugh,"I can see that."

"So are you coming or not?"

I smile."Sure."


Five hours later we were standing in one of the airport, waiting for our flight. I was sitting in one of the chairs, bouncing India on my lap. She was giggling like a mad man. Chris was at the Starbucks getting us something to drink. I watched India with a smile as she giggled once again as she bumped up and down on my leg. Having kids was one of my dreams as a teen. I know, it was weird. Instead of wanting a big house and riches, all I wanted was children. My mother had loved that about me and she would always tell me what a great mother I would be.

Suddenly I could hear the flashing of camera's coming from the direction Chris was in. I turned my head and saw him walking towards us with a tray holding two coffee's and a box of juice. The paps were behind him just standing there and taking pictures. I rolled my eyes and focused back on India, who was starting to fall asleep. They were so annoying, invading in people's privacy just to please others. And that was why I never read those magazines they sell.

''Hey.'' Chris sat down beside me and handed me my coffee before smiling at India. Now she was laying against my chest, totally asleep.

I took a sip of my coffee before speaking again. ''Those people are so annoying,'' I said, still glaring at them. Chris chuckled and patted my arm.

''Don't worry about them, Lena,'' He took a sip of his drink and smiled at me.

I looked back over there and found one of them staring at me with the creepiest face I have ever seen in my life. He looked like a rapist. What a creep. He was actually pretty ugly, and he was tall and lanky. The guy raised his camera and snapped a quick picture of us before waving at me, a smile on his face. I shivered in disgust. What is happening to people lately. Are they all turning into horny toads.

Chris tapped me. ''Look at that guy over there.'' He pointed to another short, stubby man in the crowd that you could obviously tell never shaved.''He looks like a goblin/hamster. Needs to shave.''

I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to hide the laughter and punched Chris in the arm.''Hey! That's mean. I mean, your legs look like they belong to a monkey's.''

Patting India's head, I grinned at him and said,''I hope she doesn't get that from you, or she's gonna have a hell of a hard time in high school.''

''Oh shut up.''

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. Once I saw who was calling I grinned and answered.''Hey!''

A loud squeal sounded from the phone and I moved my ear away.''Lena! Oh my god, girl, when are you getting here? Where are you? Is Hemsy there? Can I speak to-''

''Hold on, 20 questions. Calm down.'' I answered. Chris looks at me and I mouth that its my crazy friend and he smiles and mouths back, tell her I said hello. ''Alice, Chris says hello.''

''Seriously? Oh my god. Okay....okay. Tell him that I said....hi,'' she said dramatically. I moved the phone away and turned to Chris.''Alice says....hi!'' I said in the same dramatic tone she used. He laughed and shook his head.

I put the phone back to my ear and Alice immediatly asked,''Was that him laughing?''


''Sweet baby jesus, he has a beautiful laugh.''

Alice Montgomery has been my best friend since Kindergarden. She was kind of out of her mind but we made a good match. She was only one of the two good friends I had in my life. Alice had long blonde hair with crystal blue eyes, and high cheekbones. She was about a good five inches taller than me, almost model height. Alice was one of those people that said whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, and where ever they wanted. She wasn't rude, she just gave zero shits about what people said about her. She wasn't very shy.

''Where are you babe?'' she asked me.

''In the airport waiting for our flight. Oh wait. They're calling us now. I call you when I get to L.A, babe.'' I said, and hung up the phone.

Chris looked at me as we started towards the gate. India was on my back, still fast asleep. ''What is up with girls calling each other 'babe'? Is that a codeword or something?''

''No,Chris.'' I laughed. ''It just means that we love each other very much and are comfortable with calling each other  whatever names we come up with. I have a ton of names for Alice.''

''I bet they're all weird.'' He remarked.


We got on the plane first so we wouldn't get attacked with Chris's fans. We were in first class, in three very comfortable seats. India was up now so I put the headphones in her ears and found a chanel on the tv on the back of the seat that she could watch. People started filling up the plane and I pulled out my Harry Potter book. Yeah, I know, a 27 year old girl reading a Harry Potter book. Trust me, these books aren't too old for anybody.

Chris sat down next to me and peered at the cover of the book. ''Is that Harry Potter? I've never read one before. Are they any good.'' 

I slammed the book and looked at him, dead serious. ''What? You've never read a Harry Potter book before. Are you kidding me?''

He shook his head.

In a flash I reached into my carry on back and pulled out the first book in the series and handed it to him.''Read.''


A/N: Sorry for the long wait. How are you guys liking this so far? Don't forget to comment and vote!

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