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Elena's POV

After Chris found me in the alley I didn't talk to him as much as I used to and when we did talk it was very brief and polite. He must of thought I was upset with him. I wasn't. I just...I didn't want to burden him with my damaged past when he was just getting over his. I was doing what I did best: push people away.

Now I was laying on my couch in the flat I had gotten a few weeks ago. I had been watching reruns of Smallvile on Netflix for the past week. Just as the familiar theme song started to play I heard my doorbell ring.

I paused the show and got open to open the door. When I saw who was there I took a step back.

"Chris," I whispered. "What are you doing here?"

Chris was standing in my doorway in black jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a beanie, looking mad as a bat out of hell.

"Why the hell haven't you answered my calls? I called you thirty times, Elena!" He was angry. I could tell he was angry because he called me Elena instead of Lena.

I could already feel the tears in my eyes. I nodded and wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry. I should of called you back." I hated crying in front of people, it showed weakness.

Chris's face softened. "Why won't you talk to me?" He asked, reaching out to hug me.

Pulling back I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him. Not now. He didn't need my mess in his life, he had a daughter and he had a family. He was happy and I wasn't going to ruin it with my shitty life.

"I'm fine Chris, really. You didn't need to come out here," I could hear my voice cracking.

Sometimes in the back of my head I would relive those moments, those times when Tyler and his buddies, who I thought were my friends, would drunkenly beat me senseless. Then they would laugh and walk away and leave me in the room, by myself to wallow in the pain. Fortunately the bruises had started to go away, I still had some on my back but nowhere else.

"Yes, I did need to come out here," Chris said, then he stepped inside making me take more steps back into the apartment and he closed the door. "I haven't spoken to you properly in a month. We're best friends, Lena, we can talk to each other about anything. Right?"

"Yes, we can, but Chris....not this. We can't talk about this." I felt like the walls were closing in around me and I didn't like it.

"Was it something I did?"

Looking into his eyes I saw that he thought my pain was his fault, and it wasn't, it was mine.

"No! Chris it's not your fault, I swear. This is not something I like to talk about with people. Chris, you gotta understand," I pleaded, grabbing his hands.

He nodded sharply and his face went hard.

"I get it. I just thought that we were good enough friends to talk to each other, but I guess I was wrong. Goodbye Elena." Chris removed his hands from mine and started towards the door.

"Wait! Please wait, I'll tell you." I shouted out after him. Finally I was going to open up to somebody. Chris stopped and turned around, relief filling his beautiful face.

Beautiful? Did I really just call my best friends face....beautiful? That came out of nowhere.

"Are you really going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Chris asked.

I nodded, wiping my eyes. "Yes, I will tell you everything, just please don't leave me. I'm sick and tired of people leaving me."

He nodded and hugged me tightly. I wanted to stay there forever, wrapped in his seemingly un-decreasing warmth. But he let go first so that meant I had to too.

We sat down on the couch and Chris leaned back, waiting for me to talk.

I sighed and began.

"A couple of years ago I was involved with this boy named Tyler Atkins when I lived in New York. I thought he was a great guy and he was, it was the best relationship I had been in in awhile.....until him and his friends started getting drunk and high every night," I flinched, already starting to relive the memories. "Anyway, as they got progressively worse and worse they would get bored of whatever else they were doing and come find me. I would be sleeping or doing whatever I was doing and they would come and just randomly beat me senseless." I could see the horror and the anger beginning to fill his face, and his large hands were made into fists.

I continued.

"They would beat me all over my body for hours straight, laughing. The marks have gone away now but I can still feel it. Soon I got accustomed to the pain and all I felt was numbness. Finally one day I had enough and had the courage to stand up and leave. None of my family members know and I don't want them to. Please Chris, don't tell Andrew. Please." I was begging and I probably sounded desperate but I didn't care.

Chris nodded and wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked as he kissed my head.

He kissed my head.

He actually kissed my head.

I shook my head. He probably didn't mean to do it, it was most likely a habit from when he does it to India. Nothing special.

"I don't know why," I said as I pulled away and wiped my eyes."It's just that you already have enough going on and I didn't want to.....intrude. I'm sorry."

"Intrude? How the hell are you intruding, Lena?" Chris asked incredulously.

"You already have enough going on in your life with the divorce and all! I didn't want my personally problems getting all up in your life."

Chris took my hand in his, looking at me in concern. "Elena you are my best friend, you that don't you? So when you have a problem it's my problem too."

Wow. I could finally see why Elsa had fallen in love with him. He was so sweet and kind and protective. He was like a big blonde bear full of sunshine.


After Chris left I took out my drawing pad and sat in my room. The pages were full of people and things I had seen everyday. Drawing was one of my favorite things to do besides singing. I had been drawing since I was 6, and I always used to get in trouble of doodling in my notebook during class. That earned me certificate for it.

I flipped to page of the almost finished drawing of Chris. Basically I was done all I had to do was color it in. I grabbed the color pencils from my draw and began coloring.


A/N: Sorry it's so short I wanted to get something up because I won't have internet access starting tomorrow. Enjoy!


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