Healing Each Other

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Elena's POv.

I woke up on my side, tucked underneath the covers with the sun shining on my face. I was confused as to what happened until I tried to sit up and my body reminded me that I had gotten beaten up. My whole body ached. This was not a good feeling.

Looking around the room I realized that I was in the extra bedroom in Andrew's apartment. Shit. Chris brought me here instead of bringing me home. Andrew was probably beyond pissed, seeing me the way I was. I was gonna catch a lot of shit for this later. Loud voices coming from the door made me snap my head towards it, confused. Both voices sounded extremely angry.

I managed to stand up and walk over to the door, but I had to lean on when I got to and listened in.

"Chris man, you have to calm down! You can't just go out and randomly beat the shit out of someone," that was Andrew.

"It's not random, Andrew! Did you see what that little shit did your sister? Your sister. That is your sister, and don't tell me you wouldn't do the same!" Chris's voice was hoarse, like he had been yelling for a long amount of time.

Andrew sighed. "Chris, I know that you care about her but this is going to far. Knowing how you are about women getting hurt by other men, I'm afraid your gonna kill him."

"I am," Chris growled. "I'm gonna wring his neck."

This was some news. I'd never heard Chris so upset before. Not to the point where he was willing to kill someone, especially over me. There were chills running down my body as he spoke. It was exciting yet terrifying at the same time.

I pulled myself from the door and leaned against the wall for support as I made my way into the living room. Chris was pacing around the room with his hands twisted into fists, and Andrew was sitting on the couch with his back facing me. They hadn't heard me come in the room yet.

"I mean, what gives him the right to go and beat the shit out of someone like that?" Chris said, his hands turning red.

"What I want to know is why she didn't tell me sooner," Andrew says, and I sigh quietly.

"Because I was afraid you would react the way Chris is."

The sound of my voice startled them and Andrew turned around, a soft expression on his face,"Lena...." He got up to help me but I waved him away.

I sat down on the couch and looked at Chris. His blonde hair was in a ponytail and was wearing a tight shirt and jeans. He had a pissed off expression. His blue eyes were dark.

"Chris come sit down," I patted the area next to me.

Chris sighed and sat down next to me, and I took his hands in mine and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You have to promise me that your not gonna go after Tyler," I say in a stern voice.

"But Elena-"

"No. He will get his. Just not from you, okay?"

He nods."Okay."


The next day I was able to move around a little bit. Andrew and Chris let me go home, but Chris made sure to call me everyday to make sure I was okay. And I always answered. Now my best friend Karly was over, eating takeout with me.

"Tyler is such a bastard," Karly said through a mouthful of chicken."He deserves to get the shit beaten out of him."

I nod. I was sitting on the couch next to her, drinking tea. "I know. But I couldn't let Chris do it, it would ruin his career and life."

"You are too damn compassionate,Lena," Karly snapped, "that prick deserves all types of pain for what he did. I would kick the hell out of him if I saw him the street. And I wouldn't trust Chris to not go out and beat him up. He really cares about you."

I was about to respond when the doorbell rang, interrupting me. Before I could start to get up Karly was already gone, heading for the door. The door opened and I heard Karly shout," Oh, my god. Chris, what happened to you?" That got my attention.

I leaped off the couch and ran towards the store, stopping in my tracks once I saw him. My mouth fell open and my eyes widened in shock.

Chris was a mess. His hair was ruffled up and had specks of blood in it. His face was even worse. His nose looked swollen and was bleeding profusely and his eye was starting to swell. His whole face was red and covered in grain. What the hell happened to him?

"Chris," I whispered, "what did you do?" Somehow I already knew what, and I was dreading the answer.

Chris pushed past Karly and walked into the living room, still not answering. Karly grabbed her jacket and left, knowing that this was an extremely personal matter. And now I was getting mad.

"Chris! What did you do? Please don't tell me you went after Tyler because-"

"I had no CHOICE, Elena!" His voice was extremely shaky and blood was dripping into his mouth."When I saw what that little shit did to you I was filled with rage, and I wanted to kill him! But then you asked me to promise not to hurt him. And I tried....I tried, Elena, I really did but I couldn't do it. I couldn't. And I didn't kill him, I just...I just hurt him enough to know to leave you alone."

"Then what the hell happened to you?" I asked, concern in my voice.

Chris looked at me coolly. "His friends showed up while I was beating him up." He looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, Lena."

I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom. I put the toilet seat down and said,"Sit," and pulled out the first aid kit I always kept in there. Chris was trying to wipe his nose with his hand but I stopped him.

"Stop. You're gonna make it worse," I ordered as I wet a towel, and handed it to him,"Put this there." He obeyed.

Luckily most of the blood on his face was from his nose. He didn't have many scratches on his face except from the gash on his neck near his collarbone and a long cut by his ear. The gash looked really bad.

"Chris, how did you get this?" I pointed to the gash by his collarbone.

"One of them cut me with a knife," He answered his voice muffled by the towel.

"I need to clean it; this is gonna hurt." I took the rubbing alcohol and put it on a Cotten swab and rubbed it on the gash. Chris bit back a growl and his hands tightened into fists.

"Sorry." I said as I closed the bottle. I wiped the blood from his face and sighed. "I'm done. You should get some rest. You can sleep in my bed."


An hour later I was laying on the pull out couch in the living room. I couldn't go to sleep. Seeing Chris the way he was made my stomach drop and feel guilty that I had brought him into this. I should have never told him in the first place. Understandably, Tyler was a prick and deserved everything he got, but Chris didn't have to dish it out to him.

I twisted around again and sighed. I could not go to sleep at all. Even though this couch was for sleeping I had never sleep in it so it was uncomfortable. Looking back at my room I wondered if Chris would mind if I slept in the bed with. He was probably knocked out, he wouldn't hear me.

I got up and tip toed back into my room, where I saw Chris's large sleeping form under the bed. Surprisingly he didn't take that much of the bed. So I was able to get in it without waking him.

Once I was settled into the bed I turned to face Chris. He looked like a little boy when he was sleeping, his long eyelashes touch his face. In a sense, he was beautiful. I reached out to touch his face, closing the space I had previously put between us. He was so warm. It was comforting.

The next thing I knew, Chris pulled me against him and my body was pressed close to his, making me dizzy. I guess he did know I was there. He wrapped his arms around me and shifted slightly, still not waking up. I felt safe; protected.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


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