Elena Matthews

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4 months later.

"Mr. Hemsworth! Mr. Hemsworth! How does it feel being a single father?''

I ignored the question as I walked through the airport. Being asked this question multiple times since Else left me was beginning to piss me off. After the divorce the paps began to follow me everywhere, asking about what happened between me and Elsa. They also asked me repeatedly  whether I was keeping India or not. I had always replied with a simple ''yes'' and walked away.

Now, 4 months later, I was in London, England, filming for Thor 2. I had taken India with me so that some of my good friends here could watch her while I was filming during the day.

My director understood my need to see my daughter on a daily basis so he gave me some of the nights off.

''Chris! Over here!'' A deep American accented  voice shouted from the parking lot of the

My main best friend in the world ,Andrew Matthews, was waving his hands in the air and standing by his black SUV. I could see his pregnant wife, Laura, in the passenger seat of the car, smiling at me.

I grinned and made my way over to him, pushing a giggling India's stroller.

''Chris, it's been a long time, man,'' Andrew greeted me before hugging me tightly. He let go of me and bent down in front of the stroller, and waved at India. ''Hey there, little girl! You got so big, didn't ya?''

I spotted someone sitting in the backseat of the car. It was a girl. A woman, actually. She had long blavk hair that was covering most of her face and her head was bent down over something.Who was that? Maybe she was a friend of Andrew's. I should ask him.

''Hey Andrew?'' I started, still staring at the woman. He was putting India's stroller in the trunk .''Who's that lady in the back of your truck?''

Andrew closed the trunk door and smiled. ''That,'' he said, opening the back door,''is my younger sister Elena. Lena come out and meet Chris and his daughter.''

Elena picked her head up and she moved out of the backseat of the car. My eyes widened when she stepped out.

She was beautiful.

She had long, black hair and browm skin like Andrew's. Her round hazel eyes shown bright as she smiled blindingly at me. I could not stop staring so I didn't notice that she was holding out her hand for me to shake.

''You okay there, big guy?'' she asked with a light laugh.

I nodded, snapping out of whatever trance I was just in, and shook her hand. ''I'm fine. It's nice to meet you, Elena. Andrew never told me he had a sister.''

Elena's eyes narrowed a bit and she turned to Andrew, her hands on her hips. Andrew took a step back and raised his hands in surrender. ''He never asked,'' he said with a slight grin.

Elena turned around and her face instantly lit up at the sight of India in my arms. I guessed she liked babies.

''Is she yours?'' she asked me and I nodded proudly. India giggled and Elena laughed and waved , and I saw Andrew shake his head behind her.

''She loves babies,'' he said to me as we got into the car.


When we got back to the house I put India in the extra crib in Andrew and Laura's other daughter Ava's room. Laura and Andrew had gone to bed early since they had some where important to go the next day. I should have gone to bed too since I had filming the next day but there was two reasons why I didn't go to bed. One: I wasn't tired and two, I wanted to talk to Elena.

I came back into the living room to find her sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and watching a movie.

''Whatcha watching?'' I asked, plopping down next to her.

She jumped like half a meter away from me. ''You scared me!'' she gasped and moved back over, and then shoved  me. I laughed loudly and she glared at me which made me laugh even more. ''It isn't funny!''

''I don't know how you didn't hear me when I practically stomped over here,'' I said after I finished laughing at her.

''Jerk,'' she muttered before turning back to the T.V.

Whatever she was watching seemed to scare her more than me plopping down next to her because by the time the movie was almost over she was under her blanket with only her eyes peeking out of the top. At this point in the movie the blonde girl was stupidly opening the door to a wardrobe that obviously had something bad inside of it because it was shaking and growling.

''Don't you dare go in there, you dumbass!'' Elena shouted.

''You know she can't hear you, right?'' I asked her, my eyebrows raised.

''Oh shut up.''

The movie ended 10 minutes later and we ended up just talking.

I found out that she had come from Los Angelos to stay with Andrew for a while because she needed a break from her work as a graphic designer. We had a lot of stuff in common, which was very surprising to me. She loved to excersice and her favorite sports where surfing and soccer. That would of went on great with Jeremy, I thought to myself.

I liked this girl. I liked her a lot.


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