Chapter 9

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When they got back from their honeymoon they went to the doctor and the doctor said "Yes you are definitely pregnant Mrs Barnes almost 11 weeks pregnant with one baby. It looks like you are due in February" 

They both smiled so big and the doctor said "Everything looks good so far." 

They went home and put the ultrasounds on the fridge and had all the family and friends over for a 4th of July cook out and they announced their pregnancy. "Wow" Margaret said

"You two don't take long." Natasha said 

They kissed and he said "My girl. My baby." 

They enjoyed having everyone over they did fireworks and then everyone left to go home. She went upstairs and stood in one of the bedrooms and he said "What are you thinking about gorgeous?' 

"I'm thinking about nursery ideas for this little one." she said 

He came up behind her and said "Well it might help if we wait till we know what the baby is." as he placed his hands on her stomach. "Yeah I know." she said as she kissed him as he slowly swayed them side to side.

"I love you baby." he whispered 

"I love you too baby." she whispered. 

Rebecca caught the sweet moment as she was the only one that hadn't left and she snapped a picture of it and then went home and started to go through a box of pictures she knew it look familiar to her. She found a picture that her grandma took of her parents when they were pregnant with Bucky of standing in his room almost identical to the moment between Bucky and Hayden. 

Rebecca was so proud of her little brother for always remembering what their dad taught him about love and marriage that she kept finding more moments that reminded her so much of their parents between Bucky and Hayden that she would snap pictures of the moments. 


It was now January Bucky and Hayden found out that their first baby was going to be a girl and they chose the name Kennedy Sloane Barnes. It was the day of the baby shower that Rebecca and Margaret threw for them. Rebecca gave her gift last and said "This is something that I've been working on for the two of you that you can either put in her room or your room it doesn't matter to me but I did something special." 

Bucky held as Hayden pulled the paper off and they both looked at it and Bucky said "Becca?'

"Um the night you told us you were pregnant with her you all did this and it looked familiar to me and found this picture of our parents. You two kept having these little moments like mom and dad Bucky I thought that you might like something like this."

Bucky wiped tears and Hayden said "Becca this is beautiful. Thank you so much." as she got up and hugged her and said "You are so much like our mom Hayden that it's scary." 

She smiled and said "Thank you Becca." 

Bucky got up and hugged his sister and said "Thank you Becca it's beautiful.'

That night Bucky hung it up above their bed after they finished the nursery up. Hayden came up behind him and said "It's beautiful Bucky."

"I told you on our wedding day baby that my daddy taught me everything I just had no idea that I was this much like him." he said 

She smiled and said "Well I'm glad you are baby." 

They went to bed shortly after that. 

A few weeks later the day their dads were killed in action just two years before Hayden went into labor. On Feb 10th at 540 PM they welcomed Kennedy Sloane Barnes into the world after 13 hours of labor. She had blue eyes and dark hair just like Bucky and Bucky was hooked and wrapped around his daughter's little finger. Hayden fell asleep shortly after feeding her and he was rocking her and playing with her tiny fingers when their friends came in and Sam said "Oh no Bucky is already wrapped over his little girl." 

"Yes I am." he said as he looked at her. 

A few days later they got to go home and Bucky went out and got Hayden a breast pump so he could help with night time feedings. They also got her signed up at the campus daycare so they could finish their senior year of college.

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