Chapter 5

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It was New Years Eve night Hayden had on a pair of black leggings with a black bralette and a red long sleeve shirt that was falling off on one side and her hair pulled back into a pony tail that's curly. When the boys came in she was asleep on the couch with her headphones in they didn't see her at first till Bucky said "Where's Hayden she asked me to get her this candy." 

Nat said "Shh over there Buck." 

They looked over at her and saw her sleeping. He walked over to her and pulled her headphone out of her ear and he whispered "Darlin I got your candy." 

She moved a little and said "thank you Buck." as she started to open her eyes. 

"Hey beautiful green eyes." he said 

She smiled and blushed. He helped her sit up and he handed her the bag of candy. She looked inside and smiled so big and said "Thank you. You didn't have to get all the candy I said I liked." 

"I know but I wanted to." he said with a smile and a wink. 

They went over to the kitchen and they started to eat pizza and then they all started to do shots of whatever they were choosing to drink. Then Wanda turned on the tv so they knew when the ball was dropping. Hayden turned on some music and started to feel like herself again for the first time in a few months. 

She bit her lip as they all started to count the ball down and she was about to go in her room when Bucky stopped her and he said "No.. don't do what I think you were about to do." 

She looked down and when the clock striked midnight Bucky kissed her cheek and whispered "Happy New Year Doll." 

She smiled with tears and said "Thanks." then she kissed his cheek. 

She went to the kitchen and did a shot of tequila. He came over to her and said "Hey what's wrong?"

"I just um I hate being single when all my friends are taken." she said as she grabbed her candy and started to go towards her room. He followed her into her room and she laid down on her bed. He laid down beside her and propped himself up on his elbow and said "Is that why you kept going back to him." 

She looked down and said "Wanda.." 

"Yeah Wanda told me everything mainly because well Nat." he said

"What about Nat?' she said as she looked up at him. 

"Well I don't want you take offense to this sweetheart. But right after the break up Nat had this crazy notion that I could fix you make you see that not all the apples are bad. But I had a girlfriend at the time that I really liked and as much as I find you so incredibly beautiful darlin I wasn't going to break up with her to ask you out just to prove a point cause I think you know that not all of us are bad guys I think you know that. Wanda told me that she knew more than Nat cause you opened up to her and Carol more. Nat tried again when Kaci broke up with me but I told her no. I agreed with Wanda you needed time to get back in a good head space to be you again. " he said

She bit her lip and said "So Nat tried to force you to ask me out." 

"Yeah.." he said 

She looked over at him and said "I'm not stupid I know that not all the apples are bad I just Sean was my first for everything except one thing. My dad made me promise him a long time ago that I would wait till I found the right guy the guy that would love me for me and not just because of my looks. For a long time I hated my hair and my green eyes and he told me that the boy that truly loves me would love my red hair and green eyes and be able to handle my temper know exactly how to keep me sane and calm me down." 

He smiled and leaned in and kissed her lips and she kissed him back as they both cupped each other's cheeks as they started to make out. He rested his hand on her hip as they both started to moan then he moved his hand underneath her and he was grabbing her ass. "God you dollbaby are an amazing kisser." 

"Thank you" she said as they started to kiss again. "By the way I love red heads and green eyes the whole damn package" he said in between kisses as he rolled in between her legs and started down her neck. 

"Mmm Bucky don't stop." she whispered as he made his way down her neck to collarbone since he was on the side that was exposed because of her shirt. He came back up to her lips "Baby I'll do my best to treat you better than that douchebag if let you me." 

"Ok.. I can try." she said as she looked up at him. They started to kiss again he started to suck on her neck again and she closed her eyes and whispered "Mmm Bucky oh god.." as she felt her thighs clenching together the more he sucked on her neck and collarbone and she started to moan some more and he felt her clenching beneath him and then she whispered "oh fuck..mmm"

He looked down and said "Whoa I um I didn't mean to make that happen."

She bit her lip and she said "Did I just.."

"Yes you did baby doll all from me kissing you on neck my god that's never happened before." he said as he kissed her lips. 

She broke the kiss and said "Buck have you taken a girl's virginity before." 

"I have.." he said as he pushed some of her hair back

"Does it hurt?'she said

"It does baby but only for a few minutes then he starts to feel good. But baby you are some special I want you to have the best time your first time if you want that with me then I'll make damn sure it's a special night." he said as he kissed her. 

She smiled as she kissed him and she whispered "Stay with me tonight." 

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere baby" he whispered 

He got up and took off his jeans and laid down as she got dressed for bed and turned off her light. She laid down beside him and he cuddled her about half way through the night she started to have her recurring nightmare about her dad which was the real reason why she couldn't sleep that nobody knew about. 

She started to cry in her sleep and whispering for her dad to wake up. It woke up Bucky and he knew what it was he's had the same dream before and he woke her up gently and he said "Hey it's ok I know it's tough baby." as he hugged her. 'Shh it's alright baby." he said as he rubbed her back and kissed her head. 

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