Chapter 4

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The next morning Hayden woke up to her phone ringing and she half asleep said "Hello." 

"Hey baby girl it's dad." she heard her real dad say

She pulled the phone from her face and saw her dad had video called her. "Oh hi daddy." she said as she fixed her phone.

"I heard you and Hadley got into last night at your party." Brett said

"Yeah." she as she looked down 

"Well I called because your mom emailed me last night after your party I guess and said that she's worried about you honey. She said that you put your cheer scholarship on hold and that you look like you haven't slept and been eating much. That you tackled your sister to the ground after she made a comment that she knows better than to make." Brett said

She wiped tears and he said "Preslynn Hayden Blakely you came into this world a fighter and I will not have you giving up like this. You are my miracle baby my angel the only one between you and your sister and brother that I actually got to see come into this world. You use to be this sassy smart ass girl and after talking to your mom this morning according to your friends they have told your mom that you have lost that spunk that all you do is sit in your room and listen to sad music and eat pizza. That boy ruined my daughter and now that he's out of the picture and has been charged with assault and attempted murder you can stop being so scared all the time." 

"But daddy.." she said

"No buts Hayden it's time you let this go and give me my daughter back. I'm over seas I can't be there to give you these pep talks all the time but it's time you get back to you. No more sulking and feeling sorry for yourself so get up get dressed and go out and do things that will make you feel better. It's about to be new years eve baby it's about to be a new year it's time for a change." her dad said 

The girls were standing outside her room listening when they heard her talking. They had forgotten about how her real dad was in the military. She hung up the phone when her dad was done talking and she got up. They moved from the door and made it look like they were doing something else besides listening to her conversation. 

"Um would you girls like to have a girl day with me?' she said as she made her some coffee. 

"Sure that sounds like fun" Wanda said

"Maybe we can grab some lunch while we are out." Nat said

They all 4 got ready and headed out to town the first stop they went to was a hair salon. Hayden got her red hair cut up to her shoulders and had it darken to a darker red. After they got their hair done they went to the nail salon and they got manicures and pedicures they grabbed lunch after they did that. After lunch they headed to the mall and went shopping for a few hours. 

They pulled back into the parking lot of their dorm building when the boys walked over to Natasha's car and said "There you girls are we have been trying to find you. I figured Hayden would atleast let us in." 

She got out of the car right at that time and Bucky seen her and he said " Hayden you were with the girls." 

"I was.." she said as she bit her lip. 

Steve said "You ok?'

"Yeah I"m fine I just um needed to get out of the dorm." she said as she grabbed her stuff. Bucky came over and said "here I got it." as she pointed out what was her bags and he carried them upstairs for her. He put them on her bed for her and he said "I like your hair it looks good." 

She smiled and said "Thanks" 

"You seem upset though did you not have fun with the girls?' he said

"I did I just I was kinda forced to go." she said

"Nat pushing you.." He said

"No.. my dad my real dad. The dad you all met last night was my step dad my real dad is over seas he's with the military and he called me this morning and told me that I needed to get out of the dorm with the girls and find myself again that my mom told him that I lost my spark and spunk." she said as she wiped tears. 

He walked over to her and wiped her tears. "You are a military brat like me." he said 

She sniffled back tears and said "Yeah. My daddy is a Sgt Major."

"Well then that ex boyfriend has some balls to beat a Sgt Major's little girl."he said 

She laughed and said "Yeah that's why he's been charged with attempted murder." 

She sat down on her bed and started to get everything out of her bags and he sat beside her and he said "What's wrong with what your dad said about you finding yourself again." 

"I don't know how to do that." she said 

Wanda was standing outside and heard her. She pulled the girls into her room and said "What do you remember about the first day we met Hayden Nat." 

"Oh god.. how unbelievably beautiful she was and how she was so sassy and spicy but then we saw her cheer and she was amazing at that." Nat said 

"I remember how she told us she use to take dance classes and her favorite was ballet. She did gymnastics she had all kinds of ribbons and trophies." Carol said

"Margaret.." Wanda said

"What about her grandma." Nat said

"Come on." she said 

"we will be back in a bit Hayden" Wanda yelled as she dragged the other two girls with her.

She drove over to Hayden's grandma and she gave her some pictures and home videos of Hayden to help her remember who she was before everything. They girls came back and said "Alright everyone to the living room" 

Wanda started up the first DVD that said "Hayden Ballet." and the first song she was dancing to was "Let Her Go" the Jasmine Thompson cover. 

"Where did you get this Wanda?' Hayden said 

"We went to your grandma's and got stuff for you." Nat said 

They was several different ballet recitals on the DVD and she looked down and wiped tears. The next DVD Wanda put in was her cheer competitions and dance competitions and she was always front and center. Steve said "Damn we should have of had you on our team Hayden." 

"Yeah you are good darlin." Bucky said as they watched her dance "ICE ICE Baby" 

She swallowed hard and the next song was "U Can't Touch This." and Sam said "Oh hell no Hayden look at you putting me to shame" 

She laughed and shook her head. "Geez how did you not get a dance scholarship." Carol said

"I did I just um I was only allowed to choose two. So I accepted my cheer and academic scholarship." she said 

"We need to throw a party so I can have a dance off with you" Sam said 

"I can dance circles around you Sam and you know it." she said 

"Oh yeah New Years Eve Hayden you and me." Sam said

"Ok.." she said 

Wanda smiled and said "Then we need alcohol boys." 

"We got that taken care of" Clint said 

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