Chapter 7

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The next morning Natasha came in her room and seen her cuddled up with Bucky naked and said "Um Hayden .."

"Mmm" she said 

"Your mom and stepdad are in the living room with Hadley." Natasha said

Hayden opened one of her eyes and said "I'm a little tired Nat can you tell them to come back later." as she felt Bucky smile against her shoulder they were up till almost 3 in the morning making up for the last two weeks. 

"Baby we go back to sleep after they leave." Bucky whispered in her ear as he pulled her closer. 

"Mmm but I'm so comfortable with you in my bed like this" she whispered as she rolled over to look up at him.

He kissed her and whispered "Me too baby. But you have something that you need take care of now." 

She got up pulled on his t shirt and panties and he pulled his jeans on and Nat brought him one of Steve's shirts that he leaves. They walked out of her room and Hayden said "Oh look it's who I thought was my family."

"Hayden.." Julie said 

"No mom.. you know what I had to spend the last two weeks of my life alone. Cause grandma was to much of a mess having to plan her own son's funeral and my boyfriend had his own father's death and other things that he had to deal with.  So I was alone I sat at that funeral all alone while a man gave me dad's flag it was like Jordan's funeral all over again except this time I was alone.  Where were you Hadley or you mom was it to much to ask that you get on a plane be here for me. I know you and dad split up mom but I needed you I"m 20 years old mom I just had to bury my dad a year almost to the day that I had to bury my twin brother." she said 

"Hayden that's enough you will not talk to your mother that way." Joe said

Hayden rolled her eyes and said "Don't you start with me Joe."

"Hayden we didn't come cause the last thing we needed was another outburst between you and your sister." Julie said

"Really? That's why you didn't bother to show up. Hadley do you want to know why mom and dad favor me so much. ME and Jordan were both born 2 and half months early we were suppose to be born this month but we were born on Christmas we both had to fight for our lives for the first 2 and half months of our lives we couldn't be held or touched hell mom couldn't even breast feed us she had to pump so yeah they do like to favor us more cause you didn't almost die when you were born." Hayden said

"Hayden that's not fair." Hadley said

"I don't care if it's not fair Hadley it's the fucking truth. I didn't screw up my life like you did who got pregnant at 15 not me I didn't lose my virginity till yesterday with a boy that loves me like dad always told me would happen. I have tried my best to keep out of your business Hadley but I needed my older sister but then again you have never been an older sister to me. So please spare the excuses and leave I don't ever want to see you all again. You couldn't put your differences aside for dad when I needed you the most." Hayden said 

Bucky walked up behind her and whispered "Baby breathe reign it baby." as he started to rub the back of her neck. "I want to go back to bed." She said

"Ok baby." he said 

They both went back to her room and she laid down with him and they went back to sleep. That night they enjoyed a pizza and movie night with their friends. 


4 months later

Summer break had started and instead of going back home to S.C. she stayed at grandma's house and Bucky's house where he was staying even though his mom was no longer there. In both of his parent's wills they had left him the house. He was laying in his bed twirling his football when Hayden came out of his bathroom and said "Did you take it baby?'

"Yeah I did I'm not pregnant I'm just late I guess." she said as she sat on his lap and faced him and kissed him.

"Mmm baby you look sexy in my shirt right now." he said 

She smiled and said "It does look better on me" 

"That's very babydoll." he said as he kissed her. "I bet you would look even better if I gave you something else to wear all the time." he whispered in her ear. 

"What's that?' she said 

"Close your eyes baby." he said 

"Ok" she said as she closed her eyes and put her hands over her eyes.

He smiled and reached in his night stand and said "No peaking." 

"Ok I"m not peaking" she said as she was still sitting on his lap. 

He pulled one of her hands down and said "Preslynn Hayden Blakely I love you baby with everything in me. We were meant to find each other baby I know in my heart that we were I never thought I would meet and fall in love with the girl that I'm suppose to spend the rest of my life with at 21 years old but I have and she is you baby. So um will you please marry me?' he said as opened up her ring box.

She gasped and said "James Buchanan Barnes that is beautiful." she said and then said "Yes" throught tears. 

He slid the ring on her finger and he said "I love you baby

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He slid the ring on her finger and he said "I love you baby." 

"I love you too." she said as she kissed him. 

He moaned and said "Mmm celebrate baby." 

"Oh heck yes." she said in between kisses. 

They both laughed as they laid down and started to celebrate by having sex.

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