Hurting and healing

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~Josh's POV~

After the date

"So where do you want to go now?" I asked Tyler. "Umm, could we go to Taco Bell?" Tyler asked. "Of course!" I said and smiled. "Did you like going to the skating rink?" I asked Tyler. "Yeah but my arm hurts because you know, I fell." Tyler said. "Oh, is it swollen?" I asked Tyler concerned. "Well I'm wearing a jacket right now, I'll check it at Taco Bell." Tyler said. "Okay." I said.

I parked the car and we went inside. "Can you move it?" I asked him still concerned. "Yeah... but it hurts..." Tyler said. "Aww, I'm sorry babe." I said and hugged him. "It's fine..." Tyler said.

We ordered our food and sat down at the table and waited for the food to arrive. "Take your jacket off" I said and looked at Tyler. "W-why..?" Tyler asked. "So that we can look at your arm." I said. "O-oh Yeah.." Tyler said.

Tyler took his jacket off and put his hand on the table and compared it to his other hand. "It's definitely swollen" I said. Tyler nodded. "I'll go ask for ice." I said and walked over to the counter.

"Hi sir, how can I help you." The girl behind the counter said. "My boyfriend hurt his arm and I was wondering if we could get some ice..?" I said. The girl looked at me in disgust. "Yeah, Whatever." She said and went to get the ice. She came back and handed me a small bag with ice. "Thank you." I said and walked back to Tyler.

I handed him the bag and smiled. "Here you go, do you think it's broken?" I asked Tyler. "No, I think it's just sprained or something." Tyler said. "Okay, well tell me if you need to go to the er." I said. Tyler nodded.

When they get back home

"Josh..." Tyler said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can you help me take my jacket off..?" Tyler asked. "Of course!" I said and helped Tyler. "Aww Josh you're such a gentleman, taking Tyler's coat off for him." My mom said. I smiled, I didn't want her to know that Tyler was hurt. Tyler smiled as well.

~Tyler's POV~

"Let's go upstairs." Josh said and I nodded. We walked up the stairs and went into Josh's room. I sat on his bed. "Can you move it?" Josh asked. "Mhm..." I said. "Does it hurt?" Josh asked. "A little." I said. "Tyler..." Josh said. "Yeah.." I said. "I'll go grab some ice, so that maybe it will be fine tomorrow." Josh said. "Okay honey." I said and blushed a bit.

I'm so grateful for josh, I don't know what I'd do without him, he's helping me in so many ways. "Alright here you go baby." Josh says and puts the ice on my wrist. "T-thank you.." I say, the ice feels unpleasant, it's so cold..

"You okay baby?" Josh asks holding the ice on my wrist. "Yeah... the ice is just so cold and it feels unpleasant..." I whine. "I know, I'm sorry baby, this will help your arm, I promise." Josh says and kisses my hand softly. "Yeah.." I nod and lean against Josh's shoulder.

"Tired?" Josh asks me. "Mhm.." I say. "Let's lay down then." Josh says and lays down and lays me down too, he lets me keep my wrist on his tummy. "Good night baby." Josh says and kisses my head softly. "Night joshy..." I say and lay my head on his chest.

~Josh's POV~

Tyler falls asleep pretty much immediately. Poor baby... I fall asleep not too long after him.

To be continued

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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