Ch. 26

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His name passes my lips without permission, more out of shock than fear. At the mention of his name, his lips curl very slightly to reveal his mocking smirk. He doesn’t speak, but his eyes do glance down to whats in his arms, forcing my eyes to follow after. I can sense his smirk growing bigger as he reads my expression, but I don’t care.

My eyes widens and I stagger back a few steps, grabbing Noah’s crib to gain balance.


“What did you do to her!?” I growl once I regain the power to speak and the ability to stand without help.

He shrugs nonchalantly dropping her to the ground. A sound between a scream and gasp escapes me as I try  to grab Leah’s falling body. I know I wont make it in time, but I try. Just as Leah’s body makes contact with the ground my hands grab onto her less injured arm. I pull her away from Jacob and towards the rocking chair near the crib. Sitting her down I realize how much damage Jacob really did to her and she’s pregnant!!!!

I turn to glare at him, but isn’t where he was before. I growl and look around for him finding him beside Noah’s crib reaching down to pick her up. “NO!” I scream running out and shoving him out of the way. Jacob falls on the floor and I reach inside grabbing my baby before he can try again. Not my baby!! I glare at him when he makes it to his feet grinning like an idiot.

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

I walk backwards as Jacob starts to walk towards me talking slowly and calmly. A calm Jacob is worse than pissed off Jacob. Now I know I’m in trouble. I’ve got to get Noah out of here. Noah and Leah.

I reach behind me when I bump into the dresser and grab the home phone. Without looking I press number 1. I have 911 on speed dial. I leave the phone face down on the surface so Jacob wont notice when the call is put through. “What do you want?” I  ask him calmly. He smiles at me and reaches for Noah again. “DON’T TOUCH MY BABY!!!” I scream at him, slapping his extended hand and getting out of his reach. Running behind the crib. His eyes follow me. I pull Noah behind myself, making sure my grip on her is secure.

“Oh Alice. Your still as sexy as ever. Maybe even more. I see you and Michael had another. Did he leave you after figuring out your having a kid  and than come back years later?” I feel a sting in my heart as he brings back memories of the past. Ones that I have chosen to move past and try to forget, but will never be able too.

"Leave Michael out of this. He did nothing wrong and neither did Leah and Noah. Leave my family out of this and tell me what you want!” I shout tired of his bullshit.

Jacob walks closer to the crib forcing me to walk backwards towards the closet. “Sweetheart, Michael and Leah did do something. They are apart of this, they are part of this business. Michael was the start of all this and Leah finished it. By putting me in prison. You all thought that would stop me? It didn’t.” He whispered the last part. I glare at him.

I stare up at him, “How did you find me? How did you find her?” I nod towards Leah who is starting to regain consciousness.

Jacob laughs, “I never lost her.” He says pointing back at Leah. “I always kept track of where she was. You were a little trickier, but seeing as you somehow became Leah’s friend in the end I had a feeling she knew where you were. And I was correct!” He smiles down at the crib than looks up at my stunned face. Leah wouldn’t just tell him where I lived! She promised she would take my location to her grave and she would never tell him if he found her. I look over and find myself a little hurt and guilty for trusting her. Unless… I gasp and turn to Jacob who is smiling at her. “You figured out how I got her to tell me?”

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