Ch. 20

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“So he actually had the guts to give you the letter…”

Every head in the room turns to look in the direction of the voice. I crumple up the paper and throw it to the side reaching out for my babies and Michelle, keeping them away from him. Rosalie and Bella hand them back without a complaint and Edward brings Michelle closer to Michael than Jacob. Michael takes a protective stance in front of my bed when I get the babies back growling. “Jacob.”

He stands there smirking at the five of us with his arms wrapped around some girl’s waist. Edward and Emmett turn to glare at him. “Jacob what are you doing here?” Billy, whose been here the entire time and seen the birth of the twins, asks very disappointed in his son.

“I came to see my babies of course, why else would I be here?” I tighten my grip on the twins and Michael picks Michelle up when she takes a tentative step towards Jacob.


“What happened to daddy sweetheart?” Jacob mockingly asks her.

Michelle frowns, “Your not my daddy.” She tells him holding onto Michael. “Momma tolded me the truth. Mikey’s been my daddy all along.”

I turn to reprimand her because I specifically told her Jacob is her father and she has to treat him with respect. But Jacob turns on me. “You told her.”

I avoid his gaze and stare down at my girl and boy. Nodding my head I feel a tear run down my face, “Why did you come here Jake?” I ask after a moment of silence. “You missed the birth of our children… your children. So,” I look up at him with more tears running down my face and my lips turned into a frown. “why bother showing up? With her!” I nod my head towards the girl he’s holding.

“Her has a name.” Jacob tells me.

“We don’t give a fuck if she has a name!” Edward explodes running up to the door. Bella stops him before he can get to Jacob, but not before he starts screaming at him. “You and it need to leave! You don’t belong here!”

I glare at this man. This man who is supposed to be the father of our children. Who was the role model for so long and now… look what his ass has become. “Everyone can I have a chat with Jacob. Alone?” Edward and Emmett start to protest, but I hand them the babies before they can say anything. Edward taking Emma and Emmett taking Daniel, who I have yet to tell everyone their names. I grab Michelle from Michael and give her to my dad. “Please.” My family glances at Jacob nervously than step out of the room. Michael turns to leave, even thought it’s in his eyes that he hates Jacob being alone in the same room as much. “Michael your staying. Jacob your friend is going.”

“Hell no. If Michael gets to stay so can Leah.”

I growl at him and grab onto Michael’s hand, “Leah has no business in this. This is between Michael, you and me. She is an outsider.”

“No she’s not! She’s my fiancé.”

The word fiancé burns at the back of my head along with the girl. I could care less if Jacob is engage, but he doesn’t have a right to bring her to the birth of our children. He doesn’t have a right to take them away from me! Away from their mother! “I don’t care. She has no business in this. Leah you know where the door is.” I tell her pointing towards the door.

“No Leah, your staying.” Jacob’s grip tightens on her hand keeping her here.

“Jacob you have no right to tell who can be in Alice’s hospital room. Only can she. Leah.” Michael says stepping in.

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