Chapter 20

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We traced the scent then saw two werewolves, they growled and charged at us. Tyler stood in from of me, I let out a warning growl and leaped out behind him pushing one wolf down, he bared his teeth and we circled it other. I focused on him and he was lifted in the air and slammed on his partner. Both stood up while Tyler bit down on the bigger wolf's neck.

The other wolf pushed me down and I hit my back on the ground. I raised my paw and he was lifted and slammed him a tree,hard! he passed out. I looked behind me to see Tyler over the wolf that was bleeding profusely.

He came towards and put his muzzle on my neck. He stepped pack and shifted. "My beta and some soldiers are coming," he said pulling me into a hug.

I placed my hand on his bare chest pushing him back,"I prefer that being done when your not naked," I said trying to keep my cool while my heart hammered against my chest, I knew he heard the sound and also the know that am aroused. Damn his heightened senses. But am doing everything in my powers to keep my eyes on his face or else I may possibly break down.

He eyes glowed, he looked embarrassed for half a second before he shifted back to his wolf. His men gathered and took over while we left.


I drove to the pack prison to interrogate the rogue that Suzanne knocked out, saying am impressed is an understatement. The other wolf bleed to death.

I entered the cell and met the rogue he blond hair covered his blue eyes.

I motioned for the guard who opened the cell. He was strapped to a chair with silver chains.

"Who sent you here?" I asked in a calm voice knowing if I let my anger get the best of me, he may not live through five sentences.

He ignored me and I threw two punches on his face. He growled in pain and lifted bloodied face smiling with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Kill me because you won't get anything from me, you will get what's coming to you and that sexy little lady of yours will soon belong to another," he laughed coughing out blood.

I tensed when I heard his words, my eyes glowed gold, my wolf threatening to come out and rip his head off.

I carried him up with his chair and slammed him on the wall, knocking him out completely. My mood already sour, I cleaned my bloodied knuckles and left the cell wondering how they entered my territory. No one has dared to do that for years. I realized that something big was coming and we had to be prepared.

I drove back to my house. I wanted to see Suzanne, her presence calms me. I parked my car and went upstairs to my room to clean up 🛁 then made my way to her room.

The end.
Part two is on its way.

Ha just kidding 💅💅
🍷sipping my drink while its cold.

I stopped in front on her door about to knock when the smell of arousal hit my nose hard almost knocking me down, I hurriedly turned the door knob, luckily it was open.

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