Chapter 29 ~ Violet

Start from the beginning

"You heard the lady!  Time to get going!"

"Oh for the love of milk, would you put me down already!"

"Milk, really Vile?" He questions and I can tell by the tone of his voice that he's smirking at me. Deciding enough is enough, I activate my ability and slowly wrap some roots around his body then I begin to tighten their hold against his stomach making sure that I don't get caught in their hold.

"Put. Me. Down."

"Alright, alright calm down!" Satisfied with his answer I deactivate my ability and he drops me back on the ground where I smooth out my hair and clothes.

"Now we can get going." With Samuel trailing behind me we head back to meet up with Dilan, who we find reading in the library. Unbelievable. How could you leave me to suffer Dilan? After Samuel tells him about how he captured me, I shoot Dilan a glare to which he hangs his head and apologizes to me before we tell him that Flare wants to see us. The three of us then leave the comfortable heaven and make our way over to the office to see what Flare has to say.


"I'm sending the three of you on your fist mission."

When we enter Flare gets right to the point and drops this bombshell on us, causing to just stand there in shock.

"I can't go into detail at the moment, but things aren't looking good." She pauses after these words to allow us to process them and the three of us share a look before we turn our attention back to Flare.

"There's this feeling that I just can't shake. I know it probably sounds a little crazy," She shoots us a small smile that we nervously return. A little? "It's just that I feel like something big is going to happen, so big that it will require all of us to fight." She pauses again, but once again we can only stare at her in shock to which she answers with another small smile.

"That's why we need to be at top of our game, ready for anything. Which means we need experience and experience comes from doing missions. Lucky for you guys, we just received another mission from the government." Pulling up a hologram she gives us a few minutes to read and process the mission report.


We have received information of a rogue group of vigilantes who are going rampant in the south sanctum. We require a small team to head out and defuse the situation with whatever method they chose. Please respond quickly with the team chosen and be prepared to head out as soon as possible.

As always we expect perfect results,
The Imperial Government

Perfect results? Are they serious? We're not robots, we're human beings and humans make mistakes! From the way this is written it's like they're treating us like their pawns...wait, now way! It's not that it's like they're treating us as their pawns, it's that they are. I can't believe this! As I make eye contact with Samuel and Dilan I can see in their eyes that we're on the same page.

Well it says we can pick any method we want, so we don't have to kill anyone. We can just restrain them which is the one bright spot in this mess.

"So, what do you guys say?" Although she is trying her best to urge us on, I can tell by looking in her eyes that she is worried for us and she wouldn't be doing this if she didn't have to. Signaling this message with my eyes to the boys on either side of me I see them both nod slightly in agreement. Taking a deep, calming breath I step forward slightly to answer for all of us with as much courage as I can muster.

"We'll do it."

"That's good to hear! I'll send your names in right away!" We watch as she pulls up a hologram then quickly taps in a response and sends it off. That's it. We can't back out.

"All done! You guys better get packing!" Flare looks at us and takes in our nervousness that can be seen with our fidgeting and how we keep glancing all around.

"Hey at least you have something to do instead of just hanging around." She teases us with a smirk on her face, reminding Samuel and I of how she caught us messing around this morning. We told Dilan what happened earlier and I can see his sides shaking as he tries to hold in his laughter, while I in the other hand am embarrassed. Samuel on the other hand appears cool as a cucumber as he smiles mockingly at me and I glare at him in return. I will never let him catch me again.

This doesn't last long as all of us, including Flare, burst out laughing and after a few minutes we manage to stop to catch our breath.

"Now go pack!" Flare breaks the silence and shoos us out of her office, so we can head to our cottages to get ready to leave.

As long us we stay together, this mission will be no problem to complete as long as Samuel doesn't do something stupid. Yeah, that's totally not gonna happen.

Even if he does do something stupid, Dilan and I will be there, so it should be fine! I hope.

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