•• Special Chapter |Fantasy| (Last) ••

Start from the beginning

"Whats happening?" I asked him.

"Stand back." He only said which made me curious.

Then, a man and a woman appeard on our sight, all of their eyes are red. the woman's hair color is golden brown while the male's hair is a purplish-grey.

Namjoon went back to normal as he saw the two.

He sighed.

"Just the two of you.."

He knows this two?

"Yes, just the two of us. Anyway Namjoon, who is this pretty girl you had?" Asked by the male as his eyes went on dark glowing red as he looked at me. I hid behind Namjoon's back.

"Stop it. Park Jimin, She is no food, so back off same to your..uhh.. future wife." Namjoon said as he grabbed me away from the two reded wierdo eyes.

"We are not wierdo." said by the female.

We stopped our tracks.

"Namjoon, aren't you gonna introduce her to us?" The male said..

"Hyung. you know that I love you, right? Then why dont you want to introduce this woman to me?" He said as he let out a fake cry.

"Tsk, man up Park Jimin, remember. You have to treat me a blood you bloody hell of jerk." Said my the girl beside him.

"Ouch, you know that it hurts. right Gel?" He said back to the girl.

"Okay Yz, meet this two wierdos, Jeon Angela and Park Jimin, they are vampires so be ware." Namjoon said.

"Nice to meet you Yz!" Angela said as she hugged me..

"Uh, nice to meet you too." I said awkwardly.

"Okay, that's enough Gel, she can't breath.." Namjoon said which made her to stand back.

"Sorry." She said.

"So, where are the two of you going?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh, I have to find her a really good blood because She wins our bloody deal." Jimin said as he rolled his eyes.

"What deal?" Namjoon asked.

"A deal that if My twin, Jeon Jungkook and the lightning Princess, Abby will be a couple, he'll treat me a very delicious blood." Angela said.

Wow, I didn't know magical things do still exist! interesting.

"So! I think we have to go! Bye!! Oh and Yz, Namjoon! Be careful, I can feel the hybrids are on their way!" Jimin said as they just disappeard in thin air.

Hybrids? you mean---

"NAMJOON! WATCH OUT!" Namjoon grabbed my hand as he ran through a tree.

We saw four person that was crashed on the tree.

"Yah! I said be careful you dimwit!" Said by a girl with a brown large wings .

"Im sorry! okay?" Said by a boy with a half body of a horse.

"Jung Hoseok, I swear.." said by a boy with a wings of the eagle.

"Okay! stop it." said by a girl with a half body of a tiger.

"Ohh, again there they are, we should go." Namjoon said as he grabed my hand and walked away from the scene.

"Who are they?" I asked him.

"Oh, they are my annoying friends. the horse one is Jung Hoseok, the eagle one is Min Yoongi, the girl with a brown wings is Daniella and the tiger one is Louiesa." He said which made me nod.

"Oh, we are here." He said as we entered a village.


"Hyung! calm down!"

Two males caught my eyes.

The one has a black fur and a amber eyes and the other has a golden brown fur and has a golden eyes.

"Yz, Meet Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung, my brothers." He said as I greeted them.

"She is so, beautiful! but I am more beautiful than her." Said by the black wolf, Jin.

"No! I am!" A girl suddenly shouted from behind.

"Chasmin, can you please slow down? and stop dragging me, no touche." Said by a girl that the girl named Chasmin is dragging.

"They are my friends, Chasmin, with a brown fur, a Beta. and Princess, has a gray fur, a Omega." He said.

"Oh! hello there!" Said Princess.

"Hello." I said back.

"So, is Se your girlfriend?" Chasmin asked which made me look at the groud.

"Not yet." Namjoon said which made me look at him in shock.

"Oh! Your mom and dad wants you there! probably to eat lunch with them. byeee~" Chasmin said as she go on to drag Princess again.

I chuckled.

"Lets go! and oh, Yz! welcome to the pack!" Taehyung said as I look to him in shock, he knew my name even I didn't told him.

"Namjoon hyung told me." He said.


I smiled at him.

"Thanks for accepting me to your pack but, I am no immortal, I am just a mortal.." I said.

"Dont worry, you are welcome in here." Jin said.

"Besides, my little brother there will protect you." He continued as I head Namjoon growled at him.

"Kidding. Guess you found your mate huh." Jin said making Namjoon to chase him.

"Aish, those two, I know they are older than me but they act as if they are my little brothers." Taehyung said beside me.

"Yeah, they do." I said.

This will be the greatest day of my life.



A/n : Yosh! End! Please dont forget to vote~ luvyall!!! I guess this is goodbye. byyeee~ Thanks for reading this story! hope to see you again!

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now