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'Yza's POV'

"So, what are you two doing here?" I asked them as they turn their heads on me..

"Oh, we came here to..visit?" Angela said.


"Is it a question?" I asked..

"Nope...?" -her..



"Yah, tell me why you guys are here.." I said as I check my phone to look for the time and slide it to my pocket when it isn't 10 yet..

"Dont ask me, ask my very handsome husband who drag me here." Angela said as she rolled her eyes..

I chuckled..

"So, Mr. Park---"

"Don't call me Mr. Park." He said as he glared at me..


He glared at me the fuck..

"Hey, Your husband glared at me like a bitch.." I said as I point at Jimin while looking at Angela..

"Yah, stop calling names to my husband.." She said and push a full muffin to her mouth resulting her to cough violently.

-_- karma..

I sighed as I stood up and lend her some water.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin asked her..

She drink the water I gave her and she mumbled a 'thank you'..

"Aish, when will you stop munching things on your mouth Gel? Aish.." I said as I gave her a look..

She chuckled..

"Sorry.." she said..

Jimin patted her back gently as she started to calm down, so I sit at the chair I am sitting a while ago..

"So, tell me why the two of you went here all of a sudden?" I asked them..

Jimin looked at me..

"Oh, We went here to tell you that lend our Jams back.." He said and smirked..

"Sorry but Namjoon ate it all.." I said as I released a laugh...

"Yah! I know that some Jams are----" Angela was cut off when someone entered the house and a husky voice echoed the living room..

"I'm home..."

"Oh, Namjoon..." I said as I stood up and give him a kiss on his cheek..

He smiled and frowned when he saw the Jamless family sitting at the sofa.

They all look at each other with a serious stare..

Angela was like 'are you okay?' and Jimin was like 'where did you go?'



What are they doing?


Namjoon looked at me..

"Why are they here?" He asked me seriously..

"Oh, they wanted to visit..." I said and smiled..

"Oh, okay..." He said and smiled..

He went to the sofa while holding my hands and we sat infront of the Jamless family..

"So why are you---" Before Namjoon finished his sentence, The handsome jamless father of the Jamless family interupted him..

"Where are our Jams?" He said sternly..

Namjoon looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look..

"Uh, sorry? but I did not get your Ja--"

"Then what is that Large jar with a name of 'jam' in your dinning table?" He asked as he pointed the jar at the dining table..


It is indeed a Jam..

I heard Namjoon sighed..

"Okay, get it.." Namjoon said as Jimin jumped in joy as he sprinted towards the dining table and get the three large jars of jams..

"Well, I'll just go to the room to dress.." I said as I stood up, receiving a 'okay' at both Angela and Namjoon and went upstairs to our master's bedroom..


'Namjoon's POV'

As Yz leave.

I looked at Angela seriously..

She is the also one who knows.

Together with his husband..

And I think all of them knows this.

Except Yz.

"So, how was it?" She asked me as Jimin sat beside her while holding a large paper bag...

"It's..It's getting worse.." I said as I look down...

But I look up as I heard a gasp.

"I-It's getting worse.." Angela repeated as she cried silently..

"Did they find a solution? so that it can be.....yeah?" Jimin asked..

I looked at him.

"Yes, they found a solution, but they don't know when it will gonna be fine.." I said at him..

"They should do it immediately!" Angela shouted.

"Gel, not here...not today.." I said calmly..

"But, i-it's getting worse Namjoon! what if you'll leave us in just a blink of an eye? what about your wife? and your daughter?" She said as she burst out into a crying mess..

I panicked when a thought came to my head that 'what if Yz heard all of this?'

I don't want her to be hurt...

So I went to Angela's side as I try to keep her calm and lend her a water.

"Hon, stop crying, everything will be okay.." Jimin comforted her..

"Jagiya, I'm just worried about my bestfriend..Yz, you know, she doesnt know all of this.." She said..

"Sshhh. stop crying, Jimin is right, everything will be okay." I said as I smiled making her deep a sigh as Jimin wiped her tears..

Aw, sweet..

"Just, take care of yourself, okay?" She said which I nod..

"Well, stop worrying Gel, everything will be fine.." I said..

"For now, let's just forget about it and enjoy our time and beautiful moments together before things will be out of hand..."


A/n :

I updated....I hope you all like this chapter! oh! and by the way, how many 'jams' did I wrote in this chapter? hahahahah!

That's all! Please vote! Kamsa!

~Jimin's Legal Wifeu

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now