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'Namjoon's POV'

I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by a white ceiling..

Am I already dead?

I tried to sit down from laying in the bed but I can't, Wire's are sorrounding me, I looked around..

And then I realize, I'm at the hospital..

I look at the sofa to see Jungkook, sleeping peacefully..

I let out a chuckle when he nearly fall on the sofa..

I sighed..

How many days left...before I leave...

"Nam-Namjoon?" I looked at the door to see Yz, I smiled at her..

"Namjoon, y-you're awake!" She said making Jungkook jump at the sofa.

"WHAT! WHAT!! I'M NOT A PERVERT STOB IT!" He yelled while his eyes are still closed as he raised his two hands as if a police is arresting him.

I chuckled..

"Hi Yz.." I weakly said...

I tried to sit up..

"Hey, stay there..." Yz said as she rushed to me helping me lay down comfortably..

"Jungkook, you're not dreaming you seagull.." Yza said with a poker face while facing the walking Jungkook, eyes closed..

He opened his eyes, Jungshookt..

"I-I'm not dreaming?" He asked..


"Jungkook....just tell me if you want to be hit on your head or not.." Yz said..

He looked at her..

"Hit my head plea-----AAWWW!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Jungkook said, holding his head..

Yz looked at me, ignoring Jungkook's question..

"Are you really okay?" Yz asked me worriedly...

"Y-Yeah.." I Said..

I hate myself for being weak...

We are startled when someone opened the door..

It is my doctor..

"Good morning doc.." Yz greeted.

The doctor jus nod at her..

"Can you two please go out to this room for a second? I have something to say for Mr. Kim.." He said and smiled..

Jungkook and Yza nod hesitantly and went out the room..

The doctor looked at me seriously..

"Someone offered to replace your heart.." The doctor said that made me shock..

"W-What?" I asked..

Still not sure of what I've heard was true..

"Someone offered to replace your heart, Mr. Kim..." He said..

"W-Who is it?" I asked him..

He shook his head..

"I...didn't know her name.." He said..



"Her?" I asked..

He looked at me with a wide eyes..

"Y-Yes...It's a girl.." The doctor said..

"But, don't you want it? you'll be happy again with your family.." The doctor said..

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora