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~February 25, 2029~

'Angela's POV'

I woke up, hearing the sound of the monitor and greeted by a white ceiling..

Where am I?

I looked around..

And my gaze landed on Yz..

"A-Angela, you're awake!" She exclaimed as she went over and hugged me..

I can't talk right now..

I don't want to..

"Hey, my wife will be out of breath, sho!"

Said by the person that I really miss..

"Sorry Mr. Jamless.." Yz said as she broke the hug..

Now what?

Everything is okay?

Walter what happened?

I think it's not..


I didnt know that I said those words..

I take back what I said a while ago..

"Angela.." He said and hugged me.

"I missed you.." He mumbled as he kissed my cheeks..

"Same.." I managed to say.

"How was J-Jungmin?" I asked him..

He broke the hug..

"He is in the mansion, Taehyung and Princess volunteered to watch over him and Yura, also Hayoung.." He said..

I smiled..

I tried to sit and I successfully do..

"Are you okay now?" Hoseok asked from the door frame of the restroom....

Oh. I didn't saw him there a while ago..

"You know that she isn't right, why ask her if she's okay..." Louiesa said which made Hoseok looked at her..

"I'm just asking.." He retorted..

"Jimin.." I called..

"Yes?" He answered..

"N-Never leave Jungmin alone.." I said..

"What? why?" He asked..

I looked at him worriedly..

"Someone might get him away from us.." I said..

He looked at me..

"Why? we have a powerful security, don't worry baby.." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Yah! no kissing allowed inside the hospital room!" I heard Chasmin said, sitting beside Louiesa..

I just chuckled..

Until someone entered the room..


I heard Namjoon said..


The girl named Patricia said..

Who is her? I just know about Yuhan..


"If you guys still don't know my name.. I'm Kang Patricia..." She said..

"I am Namjoon and Hoseok's childhood bestfriend if you guys didnt know.." She said..

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu