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'Angela's POV'

10 minutes had passed as I heard our door bell let out a 'ding dong' sound..

I went there and opened the door to see Yz with a puffy red eyes while Yura is in her back, clutching her mom's white shirt..

"Hey Yz, why happened?" I asked her as I pulled her to a hug..

"*sobs* He..*sobs* L-Left a-*sobs* again.." He said..

"Sshh, Maybe the company called him..just don't cry.." I said..

I lied about the company part..

I held her wrist and lead him inside the mansion together with Yura, hugging the stuffed toy Jungmin gaved her..cute...

"Hey Angela the-----What happened?!" Jimin whispered yelled..

"Nothing.." I said as I gave him a knowing look..


Kim Namjoon..What have you done this time?


~February 16, 2029~

'Third person's POV'

The two man entered a huge building, people in white coats and uniforms can be seen, some rushing and some are walking..

"So, how was Yuhan? Did he by any chance had helped you?" Hoseok asked..

"Hey, don't be rude...Yes, he had helped me many times..." I answered..

"Oh, okay.." He said as they entered the familiar metallic door..

Ipened it, greeted by the familiar girl in front..

"Waahh~ I miss this place as my time reliever.." Hoseok said as he throw himself at the white sofa and layed himself there..

"Yah, Jung Hoseok, I swear if you break that freakin sofa, I'll tell Bang Shihyuk to make you fire for being a choreographer.." The girl sad..

"Yah! sorry." Hoseok apologized..

The girl looked at Namjoon and smiled..

"We meet again...Mr. Kim.." The girl said.

Suddenly, a boy with a white coat entered the room..

"Excuse me..." The boy said as he put a white folder at the table of the girl and whispered something..

"Oh, tell them that I'll be there..'' The girl said which the male nodded..

"So Mr. Kim...hope you won't be bored..I have to go to a patient...Wait me here.." She said..

Namjoon nod and sat next to Hoseok..

"Okay I'll wait..





.....Dr. Kang Patricia.."


Yoo! another update!

I updated twice wohoo!

Sorry if it is short!

Please vote and love this story..

~Jimin's Legal Wifeu

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt