Fixing SmileDragon's brain trailer new season

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Everyone in the guilds found out that SmileDragon had mental illness in his brain that means that he can not remember how he was being controlled after he came back from a mission which means fairy tail are gonna bring their family member back to fairy tail safe and sound and healthy to be a good boy again Cobra and Lucy are now mates they are living with each other, they mate sometimes to have puppies, fairy tail also found out when they got SmileDragon's blood it showed that he was being controlled by the most powerful wolf ever Alpha the ugliest wolf that thinks he can take almost about anything or anyone for centuries he lived and haunt everyone that tries to defeat him, his last victim was SmileDragon what will SmileDragon come back as a good boy? Will Turtle82107, RoLuShipper, and Natsufanxox join fairy tail? Will SmileDragon rejoin fairy tail with his three new friends? New season is coming soon and now shout out to MiraJanesFollower shout to you for following and having the best stories ever next shout out goes to natsufanxox thank you for you're nice comments you are amazing so much thanks other shout out goes to karmaXch9 you're amazing thank you very much for following and for voting on some of my stories next shout out goes to Mallorienal thank you so much for following and you are amazing, ok next shout out goes to KrizanneDanaCastillo you're an awesome follower thank you for following and people please follow them ok, alright next shout goes to ThatRoLuShipper you are such a great friend a person could wish for thank you so much and welcome back my dear friend, next shout goes to Deathblade103 thank you reading my midlu story you're awesome, next shout goes to Lover2friends thank you for following you're amazing, alright the last shout goes to turtle82107 you're an awesome and amazing friend and thank you for the comments and votes and keep up the good work and alright guys this is the trailer of fairy tail helping their family member and these shouts outs are just part one part two of shout outs will come soon thanks guys and have a great day.

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