He shrugged nonchalantly as he started playing with my fingers. "Your family will stop snooping with your life especially your grandfather, maybe."

Now that I thought about it this might not be a bad idea at all. Maybe he was correct that if we played the happy couple in public Granddad would stop from breathing down on my neck and will trash this ridiculous notion he had of seeing me staying married to Roman since we're still going to divorce after three months and we're already halfway from those months. This might be a perfect opportunity to silently tell Granddad that there's no such thing as forever when it comes to marriage.

But there are still some factors that are bothering me. And I wanted them to be clear before I agree to his bizarre plan. "Do I need to feel obligated to share your bed if I agree?"

He shook his head but I couldn't miss the way his eyes flared with heat. "You don't have to unless you wanted to. Like I said before, you are always welcome to my bed anytime."

"I don't know you're such a gentleman," I commented, staring at our intertwined fingers.

"So do you agree?"

I nodded despite the warning my brain had been telling me, my cautious heart knew that this would not end as we both expected.

"All right, fine," I answered with a heavy sigh. "Even though, I still think that this is a bad idea I will agree to your plan if it means that Granddad would stop looking at me with matchmaking in his eyes. But you must promise to keep your part of the bargain and give me the divorce papers after three months."

"I promise, Red."

"I'll count on that promise."

He smiled brightly in my direction. "Now that we already established our new set-up we might as well as go on a date today."

My eyebrows shot upwards at his announcement. "You're not going to work today?"

He shook his dark head with the boyish smile still fixed on his face. "Nope. I already planned this last night when we arrived from the dinner party hosted by your grandfather. It occurs to me that I haven't yet dated my wife properly."

"Don't you think that's long overdue? Besides, we're not husband and wife so you don't need to feel remorseful about it."

"Still," he replied, with dark twinkling eyes. "I want to spend more time with you. I believe that I am also overdue for a holiday break from work. I can't remember the last I took a break from the office."

I shook my head but I felt my lips were tugging with a smile I desperately want to stop from slipping. "Who goes on a date early in the morning?"

"Us." He said simply. The handsome devil had the nerve to wiggle his eyebrows in my direction like Lucifer was tempting you to do sin. "If my guess had been correct you didn't cook for breakfast so it's high time for us to hit the streets and look for a good American breakfast."

I eyed him dryly, tucking the loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I hope you don't plan to bring me to a restaurant and kiss some random waitress and claim to be her boyfriend, Roman."

I didn't mean it to sound a joke but he took it that way. He chortled loudly probably remembering the day when we first met. "I assure you I won't do that ever again."


"Why don't you get dress so we can start our date?" He suggested lightly. "I will be waiting for you in the living room."

I reluctantly slid out of my chair and walked towards my room. I was aware of the burning stare he'd been sending me as I went out of the kitchen. Once I was safely inside my room I immediately shut the door firmly behind me. I leaned back on the door and exhaled the heavy breath I didn't realize I was holding until I was all alone in my room.

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