|Six| Dumb Jokes |

Start from the beginning

Ethan swung the bag as we walked out of the store, and back down the road we came from.
"What time does the cafe close at?" I asked him.
"I think at seven, and it's almost six now, right?" Ethan questioned. I checked my phone and nodded. The sun was almost past the horizon now, the streetlights flickering on. It was quiet for a few minutes before Ethan made me jump out of my skin by yelling "punch buggy!" and slamming his fist into my shoulder.
"Ow, you ass! Hah, you didn't say 'no returns,' bitch!" I shouted and punched him back as he tried to guard himself.
"Yeah, but you didn't say what color!" He replied and punched me again in the same place.

"Punch buggy sliver, no returns!" Ethan shouted.
"That's not a rule!" I exclaimed and hit him for the hell of it.
"Yeah, it is," He replied and left and more gentle punch.
"If I wake up with a bruise on my shoulder, I'm going to push you off the plane," I warned him while rubbing my arm. He chuckled, staring down at me; admiring my features. I didn't feel like informing him about the pole he was about to walk into. I just kept walking as a clang and some curses were heard from behind me.

The cafe in the hotel lobby was nothing special. A few tables and chairs, some old paintings hanging on the walls, and fake plants in the corners. One little old waitress was serving the tables. An old man sat in the corner of the restaurant, but besides him, it was just Ethan and I. We sat down at a small two person table and looked at the menus.
"I'm feeling like a sandwich, what about you?" Ethan asked.
"Well, Nesquik. It looks like all they have is sandwiches." I chuckled while looking through the one-page menu.
"You're not wrong there." I settled on a panini sandwich with a side of soup, Ethan getting something similar.

"So, I never really had a chance to actually get to know you," Ethan stated while taking a bite of his food.
"What do you want to know?"
"I dunno, have any siblings? What do you do for work? Hobbies? Anything." Ethan shrugged.
"Ok, I have a sixteen-year-old sister named Madison, I'm the manager of a Dunkin' Donuts until I can get a job in a dance studio. I can play piano and write shitty poems." I stated and took a large bite of my sandwich.
"I was the manager of the restaurant Salvage BBQ before I quit to become a full-time YouTuber," Ethan stated, I furrowed my eyebrows.
"A YouTuber? Really?" I asked with curiosity.

"Yeah...You didn't know that?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know you're a YouTuber. I literally didn't know you until yesterday." I scoffed.
"Oh, well yeah I make gaming videos for a living, two a day every day. Half a million subs." He informed me as he finished off his food.
"Fuck, that's...a lot. Should I feel honored to meet you?" I joked as I took a sip of my water.
"I'm just a normal person, no need to." Ethan smiled.
"Still doesn't change the fact I fucked a popular YouTuber. But sadly I don't remember it to tell the tale," I laughed, Ethan, chuckling along with me.

"Are you finished?" Ethan asked and motioned to my plate. I nodded and reached down into the plastic bag that held the Tylenol. I opened the box and popped four pills out, handing two to Ethan. He grunted a thank you. After I took the pills, the waiter came over so we could pay for our food. I wish I could pay Ethan for dinner, but if I didn't save the fifty I had left, I wouldn't be able to catch a taxi home. I slid on my jacket and grabbed my purse while Ethan paid. A few moments later we were on our way back to the hotel room. When we got back, I took off my shoes and jacket, immediately stripping down to my shirt and underwear, throwing off my bra and hopping into bed.

Ethan watched me as I did that in the span of roughly fifty seconds, being both confused and impressed.
"I take it you do that often." He laughed and sat down on the bed beside me. "About every day," I replied and laid back, pulling out my phone. Ethan opened his laptop and started looking for flight tickets. 
"So, there are two seats left on the next plane that leaves at ten tomorrow morning," Ethan stated. "Ok, are you booking them?" I asked. "Mhm, there's a last minute flight deal, so it actually only costs one fifty per ticket!" He stated happily.

"Oh sweet! I won't feel as guilty as I already do for being broke." I chuckled nervously. Ethan patted my knee,
"It's ok. I was basically broke too." He smiled before tapping at his computer again. I started to get terribly bored when eight o'clock neared. I hopped out of bed and picked up the hotel room phone.
"Hey, Nesquik. Wanna do something fun?" I smirked with a giggle. Ethan raised an eyebrow at me, with a curious smirk.
"Like...?" He asked and set his laptop down on the bed. "Ever order a bunch of food and say it's from a different hotel room?" I asked while flipping through a pamphlet for the right number.
"They won't charge us?" He inquired and walked up beside me. I shook my head and dialed the number for the front desk.

"Hi, we'd like to order some food?" I said into the phone.
"Alright, what's your request and room number, and we will send someone up with your food a few minutes later." The lady on the other end asked.
"Can we get two chicken meals with a bottle of red wine, please? And room-" I covered the phone,
"Hey what's our room number?" I asked Ethan.
"Don't we want someone else's?" He questioned, confused.
"Yeah, but what's ours?" I asked quickly.
"Two one two."
"For room two one four?" I told the lady. There's was a silence on the other end for a moment.
"Alrighty! It will be up to ya is about twenty minutes!" She chirped and hung up abruptly.

Ethan was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands behind his back.
"All done," I giggled and walked over to the bed. I was startled by Ethan slamming a pillow against my face while laughing.
"Ethan!" I yelled at him and snatched a pillow from the bed. I immediately ran around the bed to smack him with it. It collided with his face, his brown hair fluffing up at the sides. We continued the pillow fight and ended up standing on the bed after I had tried to get the higher ground. I jumped around Ethan to dodge his swings and collided my pillow with his sides.

We swung at each other while giggling like schoolgirls for the next ten minutes. I smacked Ethan making him almost fall back. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, only resulting in him tackling me down onto the bed by mistake. Ethan laughed into my shoulder as he laid between my legs and on my chest. I giggled a bit, waiting for him to sit up. Instead, he propped himself up and hovered over me, his brown hair falling over his face. His hazel eyes dug into my green ones, glancing down at my lips. My heart skipped a beat when I realized the position we were in.  My first response to get myself out of this situation wasn't the best, but it worked. I leaned up and licked his cheek, making him recoil back and wipe his face.

"Aw! Farrah!" Ethan chuckled with light disgust. I rolled off the bed and ran over to my bag, "I'm going swimming, care to join?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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