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Ryder launched in the air and he drove his fist into Drago's face and the pups that didn't have their powers, fired some rays at Drago and Everest used her freeze breath to trap Drago's legs and Chase then used his super speed once again to run circles around Drago, which made him dizzy again. Ryder's hands in the mechanical suit, turned into metallic hammers and he smashed Drago right in the stomach with them. Skye used the remaining fuel in her jet boosters from her foot clusters in the mecha suit in order to blast Drago with a pink flame blast to sent Drago back to the ground.

Drago got back to his feet and Ryder flew right towards him and popped him in the face with the metallic hammers. Chase got on top of Drago and tried to rip the Ultimate Collar off of Drago's neck, but failed. Drago grabbed Chase and just hurled him into Ryder. "I've had enough of you and your pups, boy!" said Drago as he leaped in the air and created a shockwave that made flaming vines shoot out. "Pups! Look out!" said Ryder as they moved out of the way of the flaming vines, all except for Everest.

The flaming vines grabbed Everest and they melted the ice she created and it ripped the Mighty Pup tag right off of her collar. Drago pulled it to him with the telekinesis and he now had all of the Mighty Pup tags, except for Chase's. "And now, for the speed tag!" said Drago as he fired ice at Chase but missed. Chase used his super speed to avoid everything Drago threw at him. Chase then used his super speed to tackle Drago down and he starts to continuously punch him in his face.

Drago then used his flaming powers to make Chase get off of him. Drago got back to his feet and grabbed Chase by the throat and he ripped the speed pup tag off of Chase's collar and he now had all of the Mighty Pup tags.

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