18- prisoner Zuko

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However, we get outside and it's chaos. There are soldiers trying to fight the avatar, and waterbender, but they aren't doing much, especially since they keep forgetting about the earthbender, who seems really bored. The waterbender's brother is attacking with a sword, and the lemur is attacking any enemy that moves. The bison, is obviously pissed, if the way it roars is any hint, and he shuffles forward, knocking aside row upon row of enemy, paying them no head. The second he gets next to us, the water man carrying me lifts me up and hands grab me, before he climbs up himself. I smile and gently pet the fur in the bison's side, closest to me. 

"Good, bison. Thank you."

I swear I can hear concern in his next croon, before anger resounds as he roars again. I wince, almost feeling sorry for anyone who gets in his way. The others are backing away, heading towards the bison. I see a large amount of fire come from the guards, as they're given a break and time to aim. The avatar blocks most of them, but a few make it through and continue straight toward us. I moan, but sit up and gesture with a hand, creating a literal fire wall that absorbs and sends the attack back, double time. The wall falls in time for us to watch the fire land and explode, sending the guards flying. I collapse, the little firebeing taking a lot out of me, especially with my recent visit to the cooler.

Hands hover over me almost worriedly, but not quite. The crash! and familiar sound of stone on metal fills my ear, and I blearily look over the bison's back, spotting his tail whipping back and knocking over any solider in his way. The Avatar, the waterbender, and the earthbender all jump into the saddle, next to a girl, two water tribe warriors, and the man who rescued me, along with an older firebender. With this many benders,I feel like I almost like I have the right to fall asleep...almost. 

However, from the glare directed at me from the waterbender, I'm assuming that would result in an untimely death, but exhaustion, hunger and thirst are weighing me down and I don't know if I can actually keep my eyes open any longer. However, the Avatar moves, from his place on the bison's head, to the saddle and looks me over with a concerned face, trying to find something, perhaps? I don't know, but darkness is creeping in on the edge of my sight.

"Sugar Queen, go help Sparky over there. He may have been your enemy, but he's no longer such, and thus doesn't deserve any of your ire. As a matter of fact,I dare say he's been through hell and back, with some of the wounds his meager clothes are hiding. And he's so thin! And his thirst god, it's making me want to dive into a pond, and you all know how much I hate water. So go help him, right this instant, or so help me, I will throw you off Appa."

"...Fine. Zuko, I'm coming closer. Don't try anything or I will make sure you're in more pain then you currently are."

"No you won't, sis. I may not have liked him, but even he doesn't deserve to be treated like less than human."

Two warm bodies, the young warrior and the rescuer, scoot closer, surrounding me on both sides with their warmth. I sigh and curl up against the edge of the saddle, one arm through the hole gently petting Appa. His fur is soft and he seems to be softly purring every time I do it, so I can't make myself stop, even if it does hurt, quite a bit. I wonder how long I'll last in their care, especially with the group acting so divided, 

Cold water settles on me and I jump, startled. However, as the pain starts to fade, and the thirst disappears, I relax and even start to doze, knowing that at the very least, I've got three people in my side, maybe more. Almost quite literally,might I add. I sigh and curl up lighter, in less pain and surrounded by a warmth I haven't felt in ages.

"...My prince? Is that really you?"

I open my eye, spotting the older firebender from before. I grunt and gently lever myself up, resting on an elbow. I eye him, trying to figure out if I know him from somewhere, but eventually my arm starts to protest it's use and so I lie back down.

"Yes, it is. Though, I'm not much of a prince, and I'm not sure I ever was."

"Good, you finally realized it. About time."

"I had family in the army, and you saved them, so I will follow you wherever, my prince. They survived, because the Fire Lord could not go through with them, even if he had banished you, simply because one person protested them, soon more would, if he actually went through with it. But, what has happened to you?"

"My sister told father the truth, that she killed the Avatar and he decided he wanted me to have a slow torturous death, right up until, Sozin's comet, then they were allowed to kill me. Hell, I don't think I would've lasted that long anyway, but it was possible. Maybe. If I was given some food. And a little more water. But, they know how to make a person survive on the bare minimum and still make it more uncomfortable. "

"Surely, they would not... well, actually it is this Fire Lord we're talking abut, so I guess they would. If not for the loyalty to him, then for their own lives, since many a men have been blackmailed by their superiors to keep working. So many lives, gone..."

I wince as my shoulder is popped back into place with no warning at all, even as the cold water retreats and settles back at the waterbender's hip. She glares at me, though I might be imagining it, it doesn't look as hard or as angry. 

"Done. He's almost completely healed, however the ones on his back I had to mostly leave along, in fear of accidentally letting them get infected, by healing to fast and closing in some dead skin. Zuko, rest. As much as I'd prefer to toss you over board, we will keep you safe until we get you somewhere you can rest."

"Nowhere...is safe...from the Fire Lord. But...thank you..."

I slip into a nice gentle doze, something I haven't had the chance to do, which means I'm going to slip into a deeper sleep, pretty-

I rouse and roll over when a hand shakes my shoulder, still trying to get some sleep.

"Zuko, I really don't want to wake you, but sleeping on Appa himself will be a lot more comfortable than the saddle, especially since we need to remove it so he can go about his business. Come on, don't make me carry you."

I rouse enough to blearily climb down, mostly being lowered by the water tribe boy, before I collapse on one of Appa's paws. He simply shuffles and covers me with another, not crushing, but shielding.

"Sokka, let's go!"

"Hold on, Katara, I have to finish with the saddle. I just got Zuko out."

"Katara, be easy on your brother. And on young Zuko."

"But, Father!"

"Little miss, you best listen to Hakoda. He speaks the truth. They have lived many a hardship, especially the prince, and they don't deserve your anger or your annoyance, so calm yourself. Let out some anger or something on a tree, but do not take it out on others, especially ones less fortunate then you."

"...Fine, Father, Chit Sang, I will be bending in the nearby river if you need me. I will be back to start lunch, but seeing how that's hours away, I will be gone a while. Toph, don't mess with the prince, he might hurt you."

"Sugar Queen, he couldn't hurt a fly right now, let alone me. Quit worrying and go vent. These trees are begging to be knocked over."

The sound of footsteps receding and then silence, before almost quiet ones approach.

"I know you're not completely asleep, so I'm going to lie down next to you, since there's a bit of a chill, and Appa will only cover one person at a time. I won't do anything to you, and I promise to help in any way I can just, relax."

I smile softly, unable to stop myself, before scooting forward a bit and giving her more room. She settles behind me, resting a gentle hand on my side, and then a foot comes to rest on my knee. I don't mind them, so I let them stay, even as I finally drift into a nice sleep.

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