"Dont cry" pt.8

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Hey y'all. I'M BACK! Lol.
Sorry about the really really really really really really really long hiatus. I finally have new ideas on how to fix this whole mess I've gotten Johnny and Dallas into. Trust me!

Johnny POV

"Johnny what's wrong? You're never this quiet." Ponyboy pulls my attention away from the wall. I look over to him with a blank expression. "My dad." I say plainly. He nods understanding what I mean. If only he knew.

The guilt is eating me up inside. I've never felt so bad but I can't seem to show it. Not that I ever have, it becomes pretty easy to hide my pain but this is different. I inflicted this pain on myself by hurting the person I would do anything for. The person I love. I deserve this for what happened. I could've woken up that morning and loved him like I said I would. Nothing hurts worse than what I saw after I did what I did. Dallas, tears streaming down his toned cheeks, lips quivering. But, he didn't make a sound. Not one. He just sat there and took all of my hurtful words. Nothing will ever be the same with him. I made this choice and now I have to live with it.

"Do y'all know where Dally is? Haven't seen em in a few days." Soda speaks up causing my eyes to burn. I squirm in my seat uncomfortably, the mention of his name taking me into a half panicked state. "Don't think he's in the cooler again right?" Steve asks. "Maybe." Soda reply's to the question. "Johnnycakes, You alright?" Ponyboy asks, my current condition becoming noticeable to the others. I nod shakily.


The door swings open with a loud crash. Everyone's attention is pulled to the source of the sound. Dallas came into view, and he looked great. Not a sense of weakness on him. No droopy eyes or ragged look. Just a plain, cold scowl on his usually handsome features. "Hey Dal, where you been?" Two-Bit asks curiously while taking a swig of beer. The second the question was asked I think I saw his eyes falter but even if it did happen he covered it up immediately, going back to his cold stare. He looked around the room at everyone. Everyone but me. I look down to my hands, my remaining feeling of holding my tears shatters. Small tears quickly fall from my eyes into my lap creating small tear pools on my hands.

"Johnny?" Pony asks, seeing my current state. Everybody's attention quickly moves to me. I don't look up from my hands. The feeling of their eyes on me hardly bearable. "Johnny." Darry calls to me trying to catch my attention. I immediately react to his call and look up to meet 6 pairs of eyes eyeing me intently. The look of horror on their faces when they saw my face, even Dally. Eyes blood-shot, tears endlessly falling, lip slightly quivering. 'Damn-it! I'm so stupid! Why did I look up?' I internally scream at myself only causing the tears to fall more rapidly onto my shaking hands. Before any of them could speak I bolted up and ran out the door. I didn't stop running until I found myself in an unfamiliar neighborhood. The tears stoped not ago and I could still feel their presence on my cheeks. I breath heavily and start to walk back to Ponyboy's house. I had nowhere else to go anyway.


Happy New Years 2019!!!

Ethan <3

Joey <3

Jess <3

Stevie <3

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