Worming His Way In

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Beam was sitting by Forth's bedside, so wrapped up in his own little world that he didn't register someone entering, when Joss walked into the room. He cleared his throat a little to make his presence known to Beam, not wanting to startle him like that time. Beam did flinch but luckily not as much as last time. He was quite surprised to see Joss, having not spoken to him since the day Forth was brought in here. Joss walked closer to the bed before softly speaking "So how is he?" Beam looked at Joss before turning his gaze back to his boyfriend "The same as always. The doctors don't know when or even if he'll wake up again." Tears began to flow down his cheeks. Even after 2 months he couldn't stop those tears from falling. He would spend many nights hoping and praying that Forth will wake up. "It's hard without him" Beam states. 

Joss went to wrap his arms around Beam, consoling him through this difficult time. As he hugged Beam he noticed the cute boy felt a little thinner than last time. In fact he not only looked skinnier but he had dark circles under his eyes and looked extremely tired. Joss then let go of Beam before his little man stood proudly. He took a couple of steps back before asking "When's the last time you had something to eat, or even a good sleep?" Beam, who was still crying at this point, remained silent. He didn't want to talk about himself when his boyfriend was the one in a coma. Joss could tell Beam didn't want to communicate so he asked Beam "Do you want to go to the cafeteria with me? You need to eat to stay strong for your boyfriend." The word "boyfriend" tasted sour in his mouth. If Beam had of been looking at Joss he would of seen the look of disdain on his face when talking about Forth. 

Beam just sat there, ignoring Joss' words, as he held on to Forth's hand. It was so soft and warm just how Beam remembered them as they would hold him tight while they slept. "I'll be back in a little while with some food. I know you might not want to eat but you need to keep your strength up" and before Beam could protest Joss was already out of the room. 20 minutes later Joss had returned with 2 salad sandwiches and 2 bottles of water. He then handed one to Beam, who reluctantly took it, before sitting himself down beside Beam. Beam didn't want to eat, seeing Forth like this made him lose his appetite quite a bit, but he felt like he shouldn't be rude to Joss who went to all this trouble. 

Another hour went by before Joss had to head out, his shift was about to start. Before he left though he was able to tell Beam that both Pha and Yo got sentenced to 20 years in prison for kidnapping and various other illegal acts. With all the evidence and their confessions there was no need to go to trial. Beam was happy about that, glad to not have to relive that part of his life over again. 

It was a struggle for Beam. As the days wore on he lost more and more hope of Forth ever waking up again. Since the day Joss had appeared, after being absent for 2 months, he has been making regular trips to the hospital to support Beam through all this. To the average person it would just seem like Joss was being a kind, caring and supportive friend but to Joss it was his way of slowly worming himself into Beam's life. 

After 6 months of Forth being in a coma Joss started to ask why Beam still stood by his side. He couldn't get why Beam was so loyal considering they had only been dating 6 months before the incident. He clearly couldn't see that the love between Beam and Forth was unbreakable and that nothing would stand in there way, not even him. Even if Joss knew this it still wouldn't deter him from trying to get Beam all to himself. 

It was late on Friday night, Beam had just had a massive scare as Forth's heart temporarily stopped, when Joss spoke his mind to Beam loud and clear. "Look Beam I know you love Forth. I can see it in your eyes but you can't keep doing this to yourself. I think it's time you start moving on. I'm not saying right this moment but you need to let him go. He's not going to wake up anytime soon if at all and do you think he'd be happy to see you moping around. No, he'd want you to move on and be happy with your life." 

Beam was beyond shocked to hear Joss' words. Not once had he ever thought to give up on Forth and he wasn't about to start now. Yes it was true that Forth would want Beam to be happy but to Beam Forth was his happiness and until Forth was no longer with him he would still hold onto his love. In a fit of anger he spoke harshly to Joss "Don't you ever tell me to give up on Forth. Yes I know it's a slim chance of him ever waking up but until he is no longer with us I will keep holding on. Now if you've got nothing better to say then just leave." 

Joss had not been expecting such a harsh reaction from Beam so was quite taken aback when Beam didn't respond too kindly. Even after getting closer to Beam over these past 4 months nothing has changed. Beam's love for Forth was undying and he needed to come up with a new plan and fast. He would not let Beam go. Beam was his and he would do anything to make it happen. What he didn't realise is that his actions would just bring Forth and Beam even closer than before. Strengthening their already unending bond. 

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