Take A Trip (Part 5)

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Tabitha's P.O.V.
2 Monthz Later •

It's been 2 weeks since that night, because of that I haven't talked to Eric or been inside of that large purple house; I know he wants to speak to me cause I want to talk to him, I guess I'm just not ready..

8:16 PM
"Get the phone Ashley!", My mother shouts from inside of the kitchen.

"But Tab-", Ashley starts before sucking her teeth. "She sitting right here", She mumbles as she walked to the telephone.

"Hello", She answers with her hand on her hip.

"Tabbi?", She questions with a attitude.

My eyes widened. "Gimmie!", I shout as I jumped over half of the couch to get to the phone before snatching it out of her hand.

"Daaanng", She says with her face turned up.

"Hi..", I say surprised, I knew it was Eric, I don't talk to any other guys; it was also the first time Eric had ever used the number I'd given him to reach me at my house.

"Hey..", He replied.

I slowly looked up at Ashley as she stared down at me. "One second", I say before sitting the telephone down and running upstairs to my bedroom before picking up my telephone.


"Hey.. I wanted to-

"Hold on", I say cutting him off once again.

"Hang it up Ashley!!", I shout, I listened as She roughly slammed the phone on the hook. Eric laughed. "How you been..", He questions.

"Fine... You?", I answer as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I mean since we-."

"Don't.. bring that up now, I'd rather be face to face having that conversation."

"Then come over."

My eyes widened as I covered the speaker of the phone before whispering, "Fuck Fuck Fuck."

I removed my hand, "Hello?"

"Yeah?", He answers.

"Yeah, I'll be over in a few", I say as I nervously rubbed my thigh.

"Igh, see you soon."

"Okay", I say before placing the telephone on the hook.

I sat on my bed and thought about how our conversation would go for almost 10 minutes before building up the confidence to go and talk to him; I finally left my house and ran to Erics.

I saw his grandparents were there so I grabbed a couple small rocks and threw one or two at his window to get his attention; when he finally saw me a few seconds passed before the back door opened to the house, I quietly walked inside and followed him upstairs to his bedroom before watching him close and lock his bedroom door.

I watched him as he walked to his bed before taking a seat and watching me; I stood nervously with my hands behind my back, one clinging on to the other; I didn't notice how nervous I was until we were finally alone together.

"Hi", I say as he looked up at me.

"Hey, he says as he attempted to look in my eyes but I kept looking away; my hands began to get moist as my heart beat increase.          

"Do you wanna sit down?", He questions. I shook my head yes before walking towards his bed and taking a seat; the room stayed silent, so silent that the only thing we could hear was the children playing down the street. Finally his calm voice broke the silence.

"Can you look at me?", He says as I felt him looking directly at me; I looked at him and quickly looked down at my shoes.

"What's wrong?", He says as he laughed, I stayed quiet, for some reason it was like I didn't know him at all; what we did made him a totally different.

"Why'd you stay away so long..?", He questions.

I sighed and felt him gently turn my face towards his.

"You scared around me?", He questions; I wanted to answer truthfully so bad but I didn't know how he would take it, every look and stare makes me feel so stiff but warm inside.. I feel like I'm falling and floating at the same time.
" I need you Tabbi.. You can't just leave like that.. next time just talk to me", He says as he looked in my eyes. I breathed slowly as I shook my head okay.

"It won't happen again..", I assure as look in his eyes.

"Coo", He says before laying down next to me.

(Part 6) Coming soon ❗❗❗
I'm sorry this one is so short I just been so busy colleg and whatnot 👀😐😩

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