Looking around Mason saw that while the number of hunters outweighed the wolves but they were holding their own against the hunters. With the power of a newly formed pack, and having an alpha present all the wolves would be stronger and faster. Not to mention they helped provide support for each other if needed.

Spotting a rogue turned pack wolf in danger Mason in his direction, knocking into the hunter that had shot the wolf. The hunter fell and attempted to shoot again but Mason put a heavy paw on their chest, knocking them back down hard enough to fall unconscious.

'Are you alright?' he asked, looking at the rogue who whimpered tailed curled underneath them.

'The human weapons hurt worse than I thought.' They replied green eyes shining.

Mason jerked his head in a direction not dominated by hunters, 'There's an opening. Take it now and leave.'

Jaden did the same as Mason, distracting hunters and telling other wolves to run and never stop. They needed as many wolves as possible to escape before the hunter's weapon went off. Soon the number of wolves present dwindled, and so did the number of hunters fighting back. Jaden watched as he saw hunters run back into the trees trying to pull back from them.

'Don't let them escape, or they'll follow the others!' Mason growled running after the hunters.

Behind him Jaden, Zane, Yasmin and a few other wolves who still wanted to fight followed him. If they let the hunters drawback then they'd regain strength and numbers. Chasing after the hunters the wolves snapped at their legs, bringing them down on the ground and knocking them out. Next to Mason Yasmin had grabbed a hunters jacket and tossed him to the side, preventing any other hunters from running and the group slowed to a stop.

'If that was the best that hunters could offer then that was pathetic,' Zane said scanning the trees.

Mason listened knowing that, that wasn't their only way of attacking the wolves. But the hunters had gone too quiet now.

'We've gotten the weaker wolves out of harm's way. There's no reason we can't take on the rest of them now,' Yasmin offered, looking towards Mason.

'They're not done, this could just be a trick so stay alert,' Jaden snapped.

Mason agreed with him in thinking that this could be a trap. Walking forward a little he dipped his head to the forest floor listening intently. Not too long ago when they had stopped he had noticed a distinct beeping, it was barely audible but his newly enhanced hearing could pick it up.

'Alpha what are you doing?' he heard another wolf ask him.

He didn't respond and inched forward the slightest in the direction of the sound then picked up a faint smell. Jerking his head up he backed away growling as he recognized that scent.

'There's poison in the ground, the hunters have set it up.' He told the other 15 wolves behind him.

'Then it is a trap for us if we try to escape.' Jaden said following Mason as he turned to head away.

'We need to leave now!' Mason said picking up speed to go around the device in the ground that seemed to span a couple of feet.

'It's too late!' Another wolf behind them had yelled.

Mason came to a halt sliding a little in the dirt as he heard the devices beeping turn more rapid and a hissing sound fill the air. Backing away from the mist that rose from the ground in front of them they ran. Mason growled seeing it spread out all along the edge of the woods blocking them in.

'We're trapped!' He said coming to a stop.

The other wolves slowed as the mist rose into the air then slowly seemed to push them inwards. Mason heard wolves begin to whimper and warned them not to breathe it in as much as possible.

Escaping DutyWhere stories live. Discover now