Chapter 1

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Linna's P.o.v.

Here I am on the last day of school. Staring on the clock. I'm your average teenage-girl, that is not one of the populare-types nor a nerdy-tupe. I have my friends, but they're more friends like: "I'm only looking at your money not for the person who you are. So real friends I don't have any. My brothers have actually real friends. It's not that I really care that I don't have friends. I'm hanging out with my brothers the most of the time. Now your asking me like why are people looking at your money instead of your personality?

Well...we're rich. My brothers and I are living in a huge mansion. The first floor has a kitchen, living room, dining room, indoor pool and guest rooms. We had a lot of rooms left on the first floor, so we agreed that it would be guest rooms.

The second floor has Blake, Matt, Nick, Dylan and mine bedrooms. Their are two bathrooms. So if you ask me you want a shower first thing in the morning I would say that you need to wake up earlier than they do, or else you end up waiting for hours. For boys, they spend a lot of time to get ready. My brothers take pride on their looks.

The third floor has Chris, Tylee, Zack and my parents bedrooms. They've also two bathrooms, but they're lucky. My parents are always out of house for work. I don't really care, because I know they love me and my brothers. It's always a surprise when they come home. One time Chris was giving a huge party and everything was a mess. So right on cue, my parents came home. You must have seen the look on Chris' face when my parents came home. It was priceless. Well...back on the bathrooms I sometimes go to their bathrooms, because the twins are taking way too much time.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a person poked my side. I tell you, never poke my side. I picked the first thing I had in my reach and slammed it on the persons head. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for the person it was my math book.

"Ouch! Stop it Linn!" I looked up to see Blake rubbing his head. Then I looked around me everyone was almost gone. I must have spaced out. "Sorry, big bro'." I said while picking up my stuff and went outside to his car.

" But you know that you never must poke my side." Blake snaked his arm around my waist.

" How else could I get you attantion?"

" Well, instead of poking me you could have called my name, you know." I rolled my eyes.

" Don't be grumpy on the start of your vacation. And you slammed a damn math book on my head!" Blake said while rubbing his head.

"Puh-lease, I didn't slam that hard."

"You're a real meany, you don't even apoligize to me." he pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"You know that I can't resist when you pout. Would be a kiss on the cheek, okay?"

" A kiss on the cheek and a apology." he pouted. Damn! I can't say no to him.

" Fine!" I gave in and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, big bro'." Blake hugged me. "Damn! You're adorable!"

"So where are we going on the first day of summer vacation?"

"We're first going home and picking our stuff to go to the beach." I squealed as I run to the car. I love the beach!

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