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hello all! i am admin 2, but you can call me sunshine! i don't have a particular reason for that, i just like it.

anyhoo, i joined/founded this project because i saw hate on wattpad. it wasn't directed towards me, but it just hurt to see it at all. i hope that wattpad becomes a safer place like it should be.

om anyways, some things about me 👇

i like to write poetry/ fanfiction/ regular fiction/ books in general

i dance a lot ( i take classes 3 times a week )

choir and theater are big parts of my life and i love doing both

musicals/ music in general are amazing. i stan

i have braces

i have sisters 👧👩

i used to fence and i won a few awards

i'm a slytherin

and thats a bit about me!

i am always here for everyone if you need anything (as long as its not illegal oop) feel free to pm me/us or give me/us a shout! i tend to be very sociable (i'm an extrovert) and i love to make new friends! if you need anything we are all here to help, whether it be a hater or it be that you have writer's block.

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