camp half blood

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When I saw the boy I always thought was my full brother.

I wanted to cry we were extremely close once upon a time. 

Nico looked so pale and was wearing all black.

 I had a hard time recognizing him. 

Next to him stood a girl and boy wearing shirts that said SPQR.

I wonder who they are and what the shirts mean.

Luke AKA Alpha took the opportunity since Percy let go of me to pull me extremely close to him. Woah I breath out.

As the  army was lead by Chiron to the big house with the gods and demigods in tow.

I quickly pecked Luke's cheek. 

We entered the big house there still wasn't enough chairs. 

So I ended up sitting on Luke's lap.

Zoe on Percy's

Silena on Beckendorf's.

Not that any of us were complaining though we usually sat like this on planet Chaos.

So Chiron spoke onto the topic of why your here.

 Lieutenant you explain to them Omega spoke.

Well were here because of a war that is too come with Gaia and End and other strong beings that are unknown at the moment Alpha said.

Well why should we trust you Annabeth said.

You shouldn't were only here because this is my father's favorite planet besides his own kingdom that is of course I spoke.

I had spoken so calm I knew that the half bloods got scared.

Well who is your father a boy with blond hair asked.

Oh it's Chaos my brother scowled.

The boy shrunk in his chair at my brother's words.

Well children of Chaos send your father my thanks for me said Chiron.

 Will do I say leaning back into Alpha.

I notice my brother eyeing Alpha and I and stick my tougue at him and he laughs.

We all head outside. 

 Omega makes a cabin for us apear for us to live in for the time being.

Percy Jackson  Chaosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن