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I was walking towards the Athena cabin and I couldn't help but notice all the dirty looks I was getting from the campers.

I just shrugged it off probably nothing and kept walking. 

 Once I got to the cabin I knocked but it wasn't Annabeth who answered heck it was t even one of her siblings.

It was the person I hated more then Ares it was Andrew Whiteshide.

What is it you want Jackson me and my love are trying to watch a movie here He says.

Thats when I hear the person I held the closest  to my heart says Babe who is it.

I shove Andrew out the way I walk till I see her.

I can't believe you would do such a think I yell at her tear streaking down my face. 

As I run to my cabin.

I break down in tears in till I see my father appear.

D-Da I start but he stops me and says you look crazy you are no longer my son.

Fine I yell and run to camp boarders.

I see a man stand there  with silver hair with stars I  his eyes.

Who are you I demand.

I am Chaos creator of the universe.

I go to bow down to him.

Don't do that Chaos says rubbing his face.

Okay sorry but what  do you want with me I ask.

 For you to be my son, heir and the leader of my army He says

But I'm a son of Poseidon I stutter dumb founded.

He has  disowned you so there for you aren't any more he says frowning. 

"Then yes id love to be"

He smiles and flicks his fingers and a sliver glow appears around me.

 Chaos  then chants 

"All hail Omega son of Chaos leader of the Angles of the universe heir of the universe."

I smile and then we appear in the throne room of the Primordials.

"You are welcome to look around"

I nod my head and start to wonder around 

Percy Jackson  Chaosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن