Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital

Start from the beginning

"So he probably just want to check on work things you know Steph-" she was busy saying when I cut her off.

"No Mel, his moving to the mansion, they taking him straight there" I say and her face changes.

"But that's crazy, he should be here with his family, with you! I mean you guys are married, doesn't he know how much this is killing you! His just being selfish! His not even trying to remember you or the kids!" She shouts and I know everything she says is the truth but I can't listen to anymore of her rants, I hear enough of it everyday.

"His not himself Mel, you know what the doctor said so this isn't Steph acting" I say in his defence.

"Quit defending him, don't you see his not even trying to remember any of you, it's like this is how he wants to keep it! Normally when people have memory loss they should be with their family in a familiar environment to HELP THEIR MEMORY, NOT STAY AWAY!" She all but yell while standing up and pacing. "Look at what his doing to you, look at you Kiara! I'm worried about you, we all are... You don't eat, you don't sleep, you cry whenever you think no one is around or listening, his hurting you, killing you slowly and you don't even want to see someone or go to a doctor. Things can't go on like this anymore." She says with tears in her eyes.

"I promise to go to a doctor but I'm telling you this is just stress and I do not need a damn therapist, all I need is to concentrate on my kids and if Steph doesn't want them then I'll be both parents to them because I know they can't lose me too" I say and then grabbed her hand and pulled her back on the bed and hug her. "I know you're worried about me but I'll be fine, I promise and I know Steph will come back to me, just like he promised" I say while holding her, sharing with her what I've been trying to tell myself everyday.


Stephano's POV

I just got back to the mansion from the hospital and when I was released the nurse gave me my belongings and in this there were my normal things but in the jacket pocket I apparently had on the day of the explosion, I found this photo in it and I tried to remember how it got in there or why because there was photos of the same woman and kids in my wallet but this photo was weird as it was in my jacket pocket and I couldn't put it together, and for some reason I couldn't stop staring at it either.

I just got back to the mansion from the hospital and when I was released the nurse gave me my belongings and in this there were my normal things but in the jacket pocket I apparently had on the day of the explosion, I found this photo in it and I ...

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I haven't told anyone about the photo because I want to figure it out myself. I also found my wedding ring in the bag of belongings the nurse gave me, I know I was a bit rough on her but I couldn't stand her being so emotional around me and I had no clue of who she is but the guys seems to know her well and Gio seems to be close to her, so I believe that everything they told me about my relationship with this little firecracker is true but I can't be around her, it will hurt her more if I don't remember her or want to be near her and it would only piss me off that I do not remember and what I do not understand is how come I remember everyone else but not her and the kids, unless this is all a set up and that she really isn't who she says she is.

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