harry opened the box with trembling fingers, inside, was a large, sticky chocolate cake with "happy birthday harry"  written in a green cursive. harry's eyes widened.

"baked it myself, words an' all." he announced proudly, harry smiled then looked up at the giant. he had meant to say thank you but the words got lost on the way.

"thank who you?"

 the giant chuckled heartily.

"true, haven' introduced meself. rubeus hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at 'ogwarts. just call me hagrid, everyone does."

"what is hogwarts?"

"blimiey, harry, don' yer know where yeh parents learn' it all?"

"Learn what?"

"DURSLEY!" hagrid growled, uncle vernon shook timidly like a chicken. hagrid turned back to harry.

"you know nothin'? nothin' about magic and the fleamont-prince family?"

"stop right there. i forbid you to tell him!"

"tell me what?" harry squinted curiously at hagrid.

hagrid and uncle vernon exchanged murderous glares.

"am I supposed ter be scared of a muggle like yeh?"

uncle vernon paled at the mention of a muggle.

"muggle?" harry asked cluelessly.

"non-magic folk."

"magic? does magic exist?" Harry asked in the same dumbfounded voice.

"harry, yeh a wizard." The whole room went silent despite the roaring of the storm outside.

"a wizard? i can't be a wizard, can i ?" he looked nervously at his aunt and uncle.

"yeh you are, in fact, in our world, yeh famous."

"what? no one even knows me!"

"yeh in the wrong world." hagrid said softly. 

harry's eyes glinted angrily at the dursleys.

"not only that," hagrid looked angrily at the timid trio standing behind the couch. "-these fat muggles aren't yeh las' family either." at this, vernon grunted like an infuriated bull.

"what?" harry's mouth opened and closed remotely like a fish.

"yep, the princes are also part of yer family."

"princes? i can't be related to royalty, can i?" hagrid chuckled.

"nah, yeh related tha princes, as in their last name. in fact, we're gonna pick up yeh cousin tomorrow."

"what? i have a cousin and i had to stay with these people?" harry roared.

"sorreh. dumbledore's orders." hagrid looked down. "dumbledore, a great man, dumbledore. greatest headmaster hogwarts has ever seen." 

uncle vernon finally cracked.

"i'm sorry, but i am not paying for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" he yelled, but he had gone too far, hagrid withdrew a small pink umbrella from one of his pockets.

"never. ever, insult albus dumbledore in front of me." hagrid pointed his umbrella at dudley and with a spark, a pig's tail appeared on dudley fat butt. seeing this was enough of a distraction, hagrid beckoned harry to the door.

"le's go, 'arry."


"lyra honey," marianne ferrari called, "there is someone at the door for you!"

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