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🚫smut warning🚫

I watched as sweaty bodies collided and danced upon each other. They were having fun. I wasn't. My mind was ultimately stuck on Alisophia. Ethan forced me to come out and party because he said it would be 'fun' yeah right ethan , go eat a fat dick.

I grab another beer bottle from the fridge and pop it open on the counter.
"Hey mr muscles can you pop open mine?" A voice says which causes me to look up. Once I take a look at the figure I just smirk then laugh. "Nice to see you around Caroline." I smile as I take her beer bottle, opening it for her. "You to dolan, I missed you ya know. It's been a while" she speaks as she chugs her beer halfway down. "It's has been a while, how've you been?" I ask keeping the conversation alive.

"I've been well,just been traveling with my business a lot. How about you dolan?" She ask back to which I just chuckle "I'm just the same as I've been seen we last saw each other. Still a drug addict and alcoholic." She smirks then laughs to herself "what's so funny?" I ask to which she responds seductively "still the same Dolan I once fell for."

I watch her as she fades away into the party. God even after a year apart she still managed to find a way to woo me into her trance.
She reminded me of a Carmen. Maybe that's just what she was to me.
A Carmen.

I spot Ethan from across the party and I do my best to make my way over. Once I get past all the drunken bodies I speak loud over the music. "Hey I'm gonna head home,I'm not necessarily in the party mood" ethan just nods his head in understandment then continues to dance with Andie. I make my way out the building and wait for my Uber. As I wait I take out a pre rolled blunt I had stashed in my hoodie.
I ignite the end of the blunt and inhale as the flame dies out. The feeling of the smoke traveling deep into my lungs always made me calm. It was the only calming mechanism I had besides sex. I had only been craving one body. That body was Alisophia. It was never going to happen again. I had lost my chances with her.

My smoke break had been interrupted when a car pulls up besides me. The passenger window rolls down and reveals Caroline.
"Need a ride pretty boy?" She smirks which cause me to chuckle "I have an Uber on the way." She sighs then says "Grayson bailey Dolan , you know damn well that Uber won't be here for another twenty minutes." I think about what she said and knew she was right. I step up to the passenger door and open it widely giving me enough room to get in. "Buckle up pretty boy."

We finally pull up to my house and I smile at her. "Thanks for the ride."
"No problem" she returns.
Before I exit the car I impulsively ask "do you want to come inside?"
I could tell by her body language her answer was a yes. I unlock the front door and instantly knew what I was getting myself into.
I had wanted this as bad as she wanted it so I just went for it.

I smashed my lips onto her causing her to stumble back a bit. I help her regain her balance by wrapping my free hand around her back.
"God I missed this" she moans in between kisses.
I had missed this as well. When she called everything off so she could peruse her dream job I was a little torn. She knew what she was doing. The way her body beautifully fit mine , we were two magnets attracted from the beginning. I couldn't have her the way she wanted at first. I was with Alisophia. I was in love. With Caroline , it's a lust .

"Jump" I say in between kisses to which she follows my command. She straddles her legs around my torso and I carry her into the bedroom. Once I kick the door open with my foot I indelicately throw her into the bed without a care. I split her legs open and place myself in between. I smash my lips roughly back onto hers which causes her to moan out in pleasure.
"God Grayson"
"You love daddy's lips don't you?" I tease causing her to slowly move her fingers to her shorts. I take notice and swat them away "don't you remember, only daddy can make you feel good. Not even yourself you slut" I speak which cause her to smirk. I knew how much she loved the dirty talk, I even grew to like it myself.

recharge to 100%  ˻grayson dolan˼✔︎  #WATTYS2019Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon