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I climbed up the rickety steps of my grandma's old trailer, dragging my stuffed suitcase behind me. Finally, I was able to hoist it up onto the porch from the last step. I let out a huff, bending over to catch my breath.

My breathing slowed down and I rapped at the door, the poor quality of it making it so that it rattled even after I took a few steps back from the door. I heard barking from the other side of the door and a faint, soft voice mumbling.

My grandma threw open the door and engulfed me in a hug while her dog- Maverick- ran in circles around us, barking.

"Oh, honey! It's been so long!" She exclaimed, pulling away and examining me at an arm's length before pulling me into another embrace. I smiled, also happy to see my grandmother.

"I know, Nan, I haven't seen you since last Christmas. I've missed you so much." I mumbled into the embrace. Satisfied with the hug, she finally pulled away.

"When your mom told me you were coming to spend the summer I couldn't believe it," she grabbed my suitcase and dragged it into her small trailer. I followed close behind with Maverick squeezing by me in the doorway. "That woman put it on her life that you'd never step foot in Riverdale again and now here you are." She smiled.

I chuckled. Though the thought of my mom didn't exactly put me in the best mood. Nonetheless, I pushed her to the back of my head. I wanted to focus on the long summer that was to await me in Riverdale.

"Let's get you settled in. Geez, last time you were here you were like three! Oh, I can't believe it!"

She led me down a small hallway and pushed open the first door to her right. "This was you mother's room. It's not as homey anymore but it should do, sweetie."

I looked around at what seemed to be a teenage girl's room at one point. Faded floral wallpaper covered all of the walls and the floor was covered in a huge beige carpet. A small bed was in the middle of the room, a white metal headboard was mounted behind it.

Air blew into the room from the open window next to the huge white wardrobe that stood in the corner of the room.

"I had to open the window to air out the smell of dust. No one's been in this room for years." Grandma explained while going over to the bed and putting down my suitcase at the foot of the bed.

I noticed that plastered on the wall were the remnants of some pictures and posters of old school boy bands. I never took my mom for that type.

"It's perfect, Nan. Thanks again for agreeing to let me spend the summer."

"Are you kidding?" She walked over to me, "I wish you visited every summer but you know how your mother is."

I nodded solemnly. As if noticing my now spoiled mood, my grandmother piped up, "Come on."

I followed her down the small hallway back into the main room.

"You must be tired from the drive up. Are you hungry?" She walked over to the fridge, rummaging through. The sound of bottles and containers clinking around the fridge filled the room but she came up empty handed. "We can order some food. What are you up for, hun?"

My nose instinctively scrunched up, food being the last thing on my mind. "It's fine, Nan. I'm not that hungry."

"Nonsense! You just had a 4 hour drive down here, you must be hungry."

I shook my head, giving her my best pleading eyes. She let out a sigh of defeat, well alright then. "We'll order some Pops later for dinner. You can go pick it up, it'll get you familiar with the town and you might be able to make some friends. All the kids hang out there on Saturdays."

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