core four (2) the dance

Start from the beginning

They went to a Hermione's car and Hermione gave Fred the geys to drive. She sat beside him in the passangar seat and Fp and Alice sat on the backseats close to each other. Fp was playing with Alice hands.
- You truly are the most beautiful girl, Fp said to Alice softly.
- And you may be the most handsome man I have seen. She grinned at him.
He looked deep into her eyes.
- Now now lovers, don't ruin your makeup, Hermione said looking at them.
Fp was closing in to Alice and drew back at Hermione's voice.
- Yeah wouldn't want to destroy your makeup princess.
- Besides I think we will have time with that later tonight, Fp whispers into her ear.
- Alice looked at him grinning.

- We are here, Fred said breaking them apart from each other again.
Fred parked the car and got up and opened the door for Hermione.
Fp did the same thing for Alice. He opened the door holding her hand with his and helped her to get out of the car. The girls held their dress up so it wouldn't get dirty from the road and held their partners as they went up go the school. They want into the school gym and were amazed at what they saw. The gym were decorated beautiful. The theme of the decorations were blue and white. Balloons and ribbons were hanging everywhere. The music were on and there were already people there. The group could se Tom and Sierra standing close to each other talking. They could also se Clifford and Penelope dancing and Hal dancing with a girl. They didn't care about the latters but went up to Sierra and Tom.
- Hey, Alice said.
- Alice, Sierra said and hugged all of them and Tom did the same.
- You look amazing, she said to the girls.
- Thanks, you to, both girls said together.
Then a song came up and Sierra looked at Tom with big eyes.
- I love that song can't we go dance she said excitedly.
- Sure, Tom said and went to the dance floor.
- Well that leaves us, Hermione said and laughed at her friend.
- You wanna dance? Fred asked her.
- Yeah, she said and both of the went and danced.
- Well now that leaves us, Fp said.
- Ahhh let's dance, Alice said and dragged Fp to the dance floor.
They danced to the beat and laughed together. After several dances Alice felt warm and needed a drink. Fp and Alice walked up to a table and Fp went to get a drink. While she waited on him Hal came up to her.
- Hey Alice.
- Hal, Alice said bitter and if he noticed he didn't say anything.
No one in their group really liked Hal but he would always try to get into the group and talk to Alice.
- Where is your date? She asked him.
- She needed to go home?
- You really look gorgeous, he said and layed his hand on her harm.
- Oh shove it Hal, she snapped at him and drew back her arm from his hand. She then felt a hand on her waist and heard a voice and relaxed.
- What do you want Hal? Fp said, his tone cold.
- Nothing, Hal said looked at them and left.
She saw him go out from the gym and turned around to face her boyfriend.
- Hey you okay? He looked at her worried.
- Yeah he's just an annoying jerk.
- Here, he handed her a glass of drink.
She took a sip and immediately tasted the alcohol.
- Yeah someone totally spiced the drink, Alice said.
- Yeah Fp smirked and drank.

They stood there talking when a slow song went on.
- I love that song, she said streachig the love.
Fp held out her hand and they went out to the dance floor again. They stood close and he held her waist her arms around his neck. They danced like that for a while until she put her head on his shoulder dancing to the song. She felt safe in his arms. She looked up at him. They put their foreheads against each other.
- I love you, Fp said quiet.
- I love you to. Alice said and kissed him. She drew back and put her forhead again his. They danced like that until the song ended and didn't breake apart until Hermione and Fred came up to them.
- Are you ready to leave.
She were close to Fp and saw his eyes glitter.
- I think I'm gonna go to Fp's, Alice said.
- Really, Hermione grinned at her.
- Yeah, leave a key or something so I can sneak in tomorrow Alice smirked at her friend.
- Fine but you have to come back,  I don't want to explain to my mom where you are.
- Yeah yeah, Alice said.
She saw Fred and Hermione walk away hand in hand and they followed them out not much later

They noticed that they were the only once left when they came out to the school grounds.
- I have my truck there.
- You were planning this, Alice said looking at him.
- Maybe I did, he said smugly smirking.
Alice put her hands around his neck pulling him down for a kiss. He immediately responded. She opened her mouth and they deepened the kiss. Their hands were all around each others bodys. Fp pulled her impossible close. She moaned into him and he smirked into the kiss. He then lifted her into bride style and started walking to the truck while she was kissing his neck. He put Alice on the passenger seat and then drove them away to his trailer. They were barely out from the car before Alice pulled him into another kiss. They depend the kiss immediately. He carried her again in a bride style and went in to the trailer. His jacked were on the floor the moment they went into the trailer. Alice was kissing his neck while working on his shirt buttons.
He put her down on the floor and connected his lips to hers. Their kiss was messy and soon his shirt was on the floor.
- Someone's eager, he smirked at her as she was working on his pants.
- Fp, her voice was filled with lust.
He kissed her again and was working on her dress.
- As much as I like this dress it needs to go of now, he was struggling with the chain on the dress.
She turned around so he could zip down the chain. The dress fell to the floor and Alice was left in underwear. Fp picked her up and she held his waist with her legs as he held her with his arm. They want into the bedroom closing the door after them having a passionate and wild night.

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