I know me shifting was a bad idea and I will be in pain afterwards for it but I needed to get away then and there plus V's loving it, "you won't later though" she sighed out "I knew the risks and I decided to say fuck it so don't blame yourself" I told her as she kept running and running loving the freedom and the wind going through our fur. I don't know what time it was or how long we had been but V was starting to get tired so we decided to head home till we figure out the plan, once we got right behind the pack house we shifted back me groaning in pain, "I told you" I heard J's voice as he ran over to me "Don't" I breathed out through the pain "please just...don't" I sighed which he just nodded to and helped me inside.  "Alyssa?" J called out as we entered the living room "Oh my" she gasped out "Bring her to her room while I grab her some medication for the pain" she added looking at me sadly then J picked me up carefully and carried me upstairs to my room me breaking down on his shirt, even when we got to my room he just sat there and held me while I cried, "You know it's going to be okay right?" He tried to sooth me while rubbing my back "No it wont but nice try" I dryly chuckled out
"Here, this will help with the pain" Ally stated entering my room and over to my bed where we were "Would it help with heart break pain too?" I asked her more tears silently falling "Maybe" She softly smiled at me as she poked a needle into my arm and injected the medication into me "Oh that's cold" I groaned out feeling like my arm just got really cold all of a sudden "Yeah sorry should of warned you about that" Ally chuckled out "Give it a few minutes to kick in max ten minutes then you shouldn't feel any pain but I do recommended to stay laying down" she added "Thanks girl" I sighed out the pain starting to dull "No problem, but no more shifting till your stronger" she responded "I'll try... I just had to get out of there right then" I sighed out as J stood up with me still in his arms as Ally pulled my blankets back then J layed me down in bed "See you should of just let me stayed in bed earlier" I pointed out making J and Ally chuckle "You had to say that, didn't you?" J pointed out as he covered me with my blankets "I'm just saying" I shrugged out "Get some rest" J chuckled then kissed my temple before him and Ally left my room.

I woke up feeling a bit better pain was still there but not as bad, I picked up my cell phone taking it off the charger and noticed it was 10:23 am, I got out of bed slowly and walked over to my bathroom to do my morning routine and to take a quick shower. Once that was done I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and matched it was a black tank top with a blue plaid button up shirt that I just tie under my chest, I pulled on my black ankle socks then my blue puma shoes before leaving my closet the final touch as I walked over to my vanity and sprayed myself with my perfume taking one last look at myself I left my bedroom like always locking my door before heading downstairs.  "Well good morning Hunny" my mom greeted me as I entered the kitchen "Morning mom" I greeted back as I sat down beside her at the table "How was your sleep?" she asked me tucking a strand behind my ear "You hungry?" she asked me "Eh it was okay and yeah actually I didn't really eat yesterday" I sighed out "Kailey-Lynn Rose Summers" My mother full named me I'm in shit "I don't care if your busy or whatever you doing you stop and eat" she added "Your mother is right princess, you need to eat to keep you healthy and to get you stronger" My father chirped in "I just wasn't hungry then when I was I lost my appetite and I shifted and went for a run, came home and been asleep since" I sighed out "You shifted?" my father asked me "Do you not remember the risk's of that?" He asked me "I remember the risks dad" I sighed out "I just....I needed it dad okay both me and V needed it" I added "I know princess, I just don't want you in anymore pain" my dad sighed out "Getting back on track, what do you want to eat?" My mother asked me "Because you are not leaving this table till you eat something" she pointed at me "Pancakes?" I asked her "Coming right up" she smiled then headed over to the oven "Thank you momma" I smiled at her "Anything for my baby" she chuckled out as she got all her ingredients.  After I finished eating I rinsed off my plate and placed it in the dishwasher, I excused myself to my parents stating I was going to finish up some paperwork then left the kitchen and went up to my office. I let out a long sigh as I sat down in my office chair leaning my cane up against the side of my desk, I started with the paperwork but my head was just not here, "Why was he with her and both their parents?" I asked out loud but to myself and V, V didn't respond just whimpered "I bet that's why I still haven't heard from him" I dryly chuckled out as I took my cell phone out of my sweater pocket just to see and just like I thought nothing.

Just as I went to put it down on my desk it started to vibrate and Tony's name flashed at the top of the screen, I chuckled and placed my phone down on my desk ignoring his call. I can't talk to him right now, first thing I haven't heard from him now in two days and now I see him having what dinner with his parents, her and her parents? Ignore your mate for another girl? mhmm yeah like that would go over so well. "You really going to bitch and give him crap right now?" V snapped at me through our link "You didn't even want to get close to him or anything to not drag him into our mess and was pushing him away" she added "I get that okay" I sighed out at her "But he kept saying he still wanted us and that he was going to fight and wait for us and he's always calling us baby girl" I added sighing "And yet he's out with another girl" I finished through gritted teeth "I am pissed about not texting us back and being out with another girl yes I agree with you there" she stated "But you can't give him shit about ignoring us because what did we do for the first three to four months once we found out that he was our mate? we well you ignored him" V reminded me "Ugh" I groaned out knowing she's right "But I did it to protect him and his pack, not to go out with another dude" I pointed back at her out loud "Yeah point there" V sighed out just as my phone started to vibrate again Tony, sighing I turn my phone over so I didn't have to see his name anymore and got back to the pack's paper work.  I don't know how long it took me but I finally got all the paperwork done, everything stamped and signed. Letting out a sigh I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes, didn't last long though because couple seconds later my office door flew open "You know you have a cell phone for a reason right?" J snapped out entering my office "Or you know not put up your wall so people can mind-link you if they can't reach you by cell" He added coming and sitting down in a chair in front of my desk "I was trying to get the pack's paperwork done and it kept going off so I turned it off" I informed J as I turned my cell back on forgetting that I even turned it off in the first place "Sorry won't happen again" I added "It's fine Lynn just I thought something happened to you" he sighed out "Your cell was going straight to voicemail and I couldn't reach you by mind-link" he added "I'm sorry J, it wont happen again" I softly smiled at him "I got all the paper work done" I added making him let out a soft chuckle "That's good" he stated "So how many times did he call you for you to turn it off?" He asked me "How do you know it was him?" I asked him back "He approached me at school" J informed me as I looked down at my phone
"When I shut it off I had 25 missed calls but in total I have 50 missed calls and 15 text messages" I sighed out "All from him!" J asked surprised "Well there is a couple missed calls from you and Ally and T" I stated "A few text messages between you three again but other than that yeah from him" I added sighing "What are you going to do?" J asked me "What do you mean?" I asked him just then mom mind-linked me stating dinner would be ready in half hour by his glazed over eyes she mind-linked him too "As you heard dinner will be ready in half hour if you don't mind I would like to go freshen up and finishing help preparing" I added then left my office.

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