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Third Person P.O.V

Lisa walked into her home late that evening. She assumed Kellin was in bed, asleep. She took a shower and then walked into her bedroom.

She screamed and dropped everything in her hand when she saw her son's body lying on the floor, motionless. She quickly walked over to him and knelt by his side.

"Kellin? Kellin!" She said frantically, trying to wake him up.

Too bad he wouldn't be waking up any time soon.

She got up and ran to her dresser. She snatched the phone from it's place and called for help. She explained the situation, and within fifteen minutes an ambulance was there.

They walked into the room and examined Kellin's body. One of the officers stood up and gave Lisa a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry ma'am. It looks like we didn't make it in time."

Tears poured from Lisa's eyes.

No matter how much she acted like she hated Kellin sometimes, he was her only child. He was all she had left. And now he was gone.

She dropped to her knees and put her face in her hands. She sobbed uncontrollably as the paramedics put Kellin's corpse in a body bag and hauled him off.

After hours and hours of lying on the floor, Lisa stood up. She walked over to the bed and saw three papers sitting there.

One of them was titled Mom, another Mike, and the final one; Vic

She unfolded hers and set the others' aside. She started reading.

Dear Mom,

I am so sorry. I don't know what else to say. Things were far worse than you thought they were. I know you thought therapy was really helping me, but it just isn't that simple. I know you're probably crying right now, but please don't. Don't cry over me, because I'm in a better place now. I can't tell you how sorry I am for leaving you this way. I love you, mom. I'm so sorry...

She reread the letter multiple times. She was still in shock that her baby boy was gone and he would never come back.


The next day, Lisa went to the Fuentes' house. Mike was the only one home. He answered the door, looking very happy. She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't know these people; she had to ask around to even find out where they lived, but she knew they were friends of Kellin's and that they should hear about the tradgety from her.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Kellin's mother." She said quietly.
Mike gave her a curious look.

"Uh, come in." He said, stepping aside.
Lisa walked into their home and sat down on the couch. Mike sat next to her.

"What's up?" He asked after some silence.

"Is Victor here as well?" She asked.

Mike shook his head.

"No, I think he was actually on his way to your house. Why?" He questioned.

Lisa took in a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, then back at Mike.

"Kellin....he committed suicide last night." She barely kept her composure.

Mike's jaw dropped. His face had surprise and sadness written all over it. Lisa fished in her pocket and took out the papers. She handed them to Mike.

"I have to get going. When Victor comes back, please tell him. And Kellin left those for you guys. Make sure Vic gets his." She said quiety before standing up and leaving the house.

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