Who Will We Find

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The night was colder than Draco expected. He was lost somewhere he didn't know where. The only reason Draco convinced them to move to Orlando was because he thought it was always hot there, but the night was cold and harsh. Even more unfortunately, he never got a owl back from Harry.

Draco thought about just simply apparating to the Ministry but he thought it was just to risky. Draco had some troubles in the muggle world and was looking for someone he might have knew when the was thrown in a shed.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME OUT NOW!" Draco yelled. The shed was dark and he couldn't see anyone in the pitch black thing. "Oh for crying out loud." Draco looked through his pockets only to find his wand was not there. "WHERES MY WAND!" Draco yelled even louder now.

"Looking for your precious little pathetic wand Draco.....?" Said a voice emerging from the pitch black.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Now, Draco screamed at the top of his lungs and was punching midair hoping to maybe, just maybe, hit whoever did this to him.

"Screaming not gonna get you far Draco...." The voice sounded different now. As if there was more than one of them.

"You stole his spotlight." Every time, a new voice spoke but this time there was two voices that echoed as they spoke. Draco was thrown back into the wall, when he saw light.

"Expelliarmus!" It took Draco awhile to figure out who he was looking at when he realized,

"Granger?" Hermione has some of her fellow Ministry friends that were gathering up the people in the shed with him. "W-who were they?" Draco stuttered when he remembered. "Pigeon!" By Hermione's shocked reaction Draco knew that something was terribly wrong.

"I never thought this day would actually come..."

"What's wrong?"

"Harry he-" But as Hermione was about to finish talking Draco felt a cold punch hit him in the face as he passed out. He wanted to scream. He wanted to pounce. But he couldn't feel nor hear himself.

"Come with me Draco....We could do many things like no other...." Draco couldn't believe his eyes. Lord Voldemort. His hand reaching out to Draco. All of a sudden, Draco felt as if he was no longer in control of himself. 'take my hand....' The voice inside his head was cold and cruel. He immediately knew what was going on, he was under the Imperius curse. He heard voices outside of him,

"The Weaslys?!" And, "They were under the Imperius curse!" He wanted help. More than anything. But what happened was much worse, he took his hand.

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