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Before their neighbor decided to move out from their apartment complex, they filed some disturbing reports on the news reporter and journalist Eddie Brock, accusing him of the bodies laid in his apartment and the hallway. By the time the police made it to the crime scene, no bodies were found. Of course, Carlton Drake couldn't risk involving his men or the Life Foundation in another lawsuit, so of course, they moved out and continued with the chase on Brock that night.

Although Drake's men were nowhere to be found in his apartment, a trial was moved forward; the police and investigators found his door open, the apartment looking like a storm hit it, the dinner table flipped, tater tots scattered around, a few broken stools.

"Your honor," attorney Anne Weying began, slowly pacing the wooden floor, "I would like to present my defendant's alibi." She cleared her throat and proceeded to open up a folder and scanned the papers, "Mr. Brock claims that on the night the bodies were supposedly found in the apartment building, he was cooking tater tots in the kitchen. A deafening noise was heard across the hallway. It was then confirmed that it was his neighbor." The neighbor at the other side of the room looked down in shame. "Mr. Brock didn't react well to the noise, leading up to him having a meltdown. He stumbled out of his apartment and headed towards the hospital. Dr. Lewis performed an MRI scan before that night and it appeared Eddie had a parasite, which would explain his meltdown earlier."

Anne and Dan did not like the idea of lying in court, but how would they explain an alien symbiote coexisting inside the body of news reporter Eddie Brock? Even if the facts were right there and laid out to defend Eddie's actions that night, it would be without a doubt that the public would not take this seriously and that Eddie would have to be quarantined and observed having an unearthly parasite in his system.
But it's not like Anne wasn't telling the truth. Eddie did hear a deafening noise from across the hall, and he did not react well to it, and he did have an MRI scan done by Dr. Lewis.

"Parasite?!" Venom questioned aggressively.
"Shh! Please V, not now," Eddie hissed quietly at the symbiote. "We're almost out of here, please."
"We should've ripped that guy's head off, Eddie." Eddie ignored his symbiotes suggestion, not wanting any more people watching him mumble to himself.

The people of the court seemed convinced of the story Anne had given them. Except for Eddie's neighbor, but by then he already slumped down his chair, defeated.

"Your honor, my defendant isn't well." Anne explained, "But is displaying the symptoms of his sickness a crime?"

The jury took into consideration Anne's statement. The jurors were discussing quietly to themselves, the rows of seats in the front were full of whispers.

Eddie's— or more so Venom's— heightened hearing allowed him to listen to their discussions.
Most of them were in the defense of Eddie:
"She's right. I don't think that was something in his control."

"And there weren't any body's found in his apartment like his neighbor claimed."

"It doesn't seem to have been a domestic violence issue."

This brought ease to Eddie and his symbiote companion. The two have grown close since the downfall of Carlton Drake to the weeks leading up to Eddie's trial. A close bond was formed. They were one. They were Venom.

Anne brought Dan to the stand. He presented the time and date of Eddie's MRI scan and showed the results. The court was filled with murmurs.

"With proper treatment and help from Dr. Lewis, I'm sure Mr. Brock will be able to subdue his erratic and spontaneous behaviors." Anne assured the court, hoping to have her statement be true. She'll have to have a talk with the pair.

Later in the trial, the people of the jury deemed Eddie to be innocent. His eyes lit up, satisfied with the outcome and Anne's good job. Anne and Dan sighed in relief, glad to have the trial be over and to know their friend won't be going to jail or get probed in a lab with a bunch of scientists surrounding him.
The long haired, dirty blonde neighbor was disappointed but not surprised. He even started to question his claims as well whether he really did see those bodies or if he had smoked one too many bowls. That couldn't have been the case... could it?

Outside the court room, Eddie walked towards Anne and Dan.
"I know we were asking for a lot when I told you we wanted you two to be part of my defense team." He began.
"Yes, I agree." Anne said before Eddie could continue.
"I second that." Dan followed after.
Eddie chuckled and looked down, hands in his denim jean pockets.
"I know treating you two to dinner isn't enough to thank you for doing this for me," He began, "but I really wanna show my appreciation. Like, really."
"We really." Venom corrected Eddie.
"I mean we. We wanna show our appreciation."

Anne and Dan looked at each other. No words were spoken, it was like they were telepathically debating whether or not they should accept Eddie's offer.
The two shrugged and looked back at Eddie.
"I mean we're not just gonna turn down a free dinner." Dan joked.
"We're starving!" Anne laughed, walking towards the exit of the court house as the two men followed behind.

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