The Mists Of The Dell

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The mists off the moors began to gather, swirling as if in a dance untill thier limbs joined and the thrashng of their movements  ceased to a deathly still, devouring all that ventured forth.

It was this the inhabitants of The Dell avoided, for centuries the mists had come at twilight and those who dared go far beyond the wamth of the small wood dwellings, scatterd up and down the rock strewn  coast seemed to fade with the mists at morn, and little had been heard of them since.

The people who lived among the haunted moors, were not unaware of the dangers which lived close at hand. However neither did they let them dominate. Treatys had been sighned centuries ago  proclaiming  a clear divide between night and day. And thus they had lived, comfortable in the knowledge  that those treatys had yet to be dishonoured. But travellers were less aware and had often vanished, though tales had been spread and new roads constructed less wearing on the carts and carrages  many where drawn to a shorter route.

Back when the Vikings had dominated the lands across the sea,  a hero had lived his was a life of mythological value, yet if such mists as were once rising, why not a man with power to remove them. And so the tales of Beowolf were told late at night when the moors were dangerous and the people trapped within their homes, bent by their fires fearing the dark and its unseen creatures.

Chapter 1: 

Anna watched the country side pass by , Its golden fields and lush hedge rows, the sweet trilling of the birds and the occasional cottage. She could feel the heat of the sun beat down on her cotton clad back and through the thin pinnafore, the course hay cushoning scratched her  tender skin. Yet up on wagon  where all the world was visible Anna was content in her thoughts.

Her luggage consisted of a cloth bag, tied with a red ribbon and slung across her shoulders in a makeshift pack, a small brown paper bag and a velvet pouch cotaining the set amount she been given by her elderly father. Anna was traveling away from home  for  a fornight and thus travelled as light as could be achieved, Without the unneeded extras which would burden her thin frame.

At  2:00 Anna arrived in Grovner Squares a small  village on the out skirts of the Causway. She was hoisted down from wagon by a pair of rough and wandering hands, grabbed her lugage and walked towards The Cockles Tavern, the most resbectable place for luncheon. She paused at the doorway and peered in, at the opposite end a large oak counter was placed with a girl, about Annas age busily tugging at lids and pouring liquids. Behind her barrels of beer and decanters of wine were piled to the ceiling. Infront, on the grey slate floor, rough hewn tables were messily arranged into a half circle surrounding the unlit fire place.

She orderd a loaf, an assortment of cheeses, day old chicken broth and large mug of cider. Anna placed the two guneas on the counter and took her meal out, into the square. She sat,  in cooling shade, beneath an ancient sickamore tree  quenching her hunger and watching the villages daily dynamics. When she had finished she wrapped the remainders in cloth and stored them in her pack before taking her dishes to the girl.

She asked the barmaid the best  place to stay, the things worth doing and any other tid bits of information. Gillian ( the barmaid) told Anna where the best housing was and the few unsatisfying things to do within Grovner Squares. But, she told Anna dont go to the Causeway or at least not after Twilight.

..... Sorry about the short chapters and the unedited state, i will edit it when its done.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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