Sick As A Dog

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It'd been a week since the fashion show, and Kaiba had been getting sicker and sicker each day. He continued to refuse missing even more work, claiming if he does, the company will fall apart, although he does work from his room as often as he can.

Joey sighed as he was preparing breakfast for him and the Kaiba's. Moksha was already at the table, talking Joey's ear off, while Kaiba was hauled up in his room doing more work, no doubt. Joey finished up cooking and he set the table. He took his apron off before sitting down at his usual seat.

"Odd," Mokuba said between mouthfuls. "Seto's usually in here by now..."
The raven-haired boy trailed off as his older brother walked into the room and sat next to Joey.

"You look horrible." Joey stated bluntly. Kaiba pointed a glare towards Joey, but the power of it was lessened by his sickness. His eyes were circled with darkness, and drooped with sickness. His cheeks and nose were pink, and he seemed to be having trouble with keeping awake.

Joey frowned at the pink on his cheeks. He reached over without thinking and put his hand on Kaiba's forehead. The brunette tried moving away, but to no avail with nowhere to move to. Joey stood and left the room, and came back with a thermometer.

"Open your mouth." Joey ordered. Kaiba just glared as a response. Joey rolled his eyes at this. He poked Kaiba's cheek in hopes of annoying him enough to open his mouth.

"I need to check your temperature." Joey said seriously.

"I'm fine." Kaiba said, voice raspier than normal, and he let out a small cough before he could finish his sentence. The blonde raised an eyebrow.

"Seto, you can barely finish a sentence and you sound like Batman battling throat cancer."

"No I don-" Kaiba started, but was cut off by a sudden fit of coughing. Joey sighed, and grabbed Kaiba's shoulders gently, helping him off the seat.

"You are gonna go get some rest, Seto Kaiba, and you will stay in bed even if that means I have to stay with you to make sure you don't get up to work." Joey scolded, dragging Kaiba to his bedroom. Kaiba was in no state to argue, really. Mokuba sat watching the scene, trying to hold in his giggles.

"Such an old married couple..." Mokuba mumbled through a mouthful of eggs.
Joey sighed as he walked back into the kitchen, and leaned against the counter. He was able to get Kaiba to rest with surprisingly little force. Dealing with Kaiba was like dealing with a stubborn child. Suddenly, Joey got an idea. He started digging into the cabinets for ingredients.

A light knock sounded on Kaiba's door. He lifted his head groggily, pulled the blanket to his node, and mumbled a reply. The door opened, revealing Joey with a tray with a bowl. Kaiba raised an eyebrow.

"I brought ya some soup, Seto." Joey walked over to Kaiba's bed. Kaiba moved and sat up on his elbows. At some point while Joey was cooking, Kauba had gotten up and changed into pajama's for more comfort.

"It's not poisoned, Seto." Joey said, chuckling. Kaiba looked at him.

"Why did you bring me soup?" He asked.

Joey looked at him and grinned. "You didn't get a chance to eat before I dragged you into your room, so I made you some soup, 'cause everyone knows soup will make you feel better. Now eat up, or I'll feed it to you myself!"
Kaiba said nothing to this and started eating his soup, while Joey proceeded to lay across a wheeled chair in the room and started spinning around.

"Stop that." Kaiba croaked. Joey looked at him and grinned.

"Hoe are you gonna stop me, eh Seto?"

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