Puppy Lost His Collar!

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It was the morning a few days after their lovely little wondrously magically fantastic picnic. Kaiba had actually gotten up on time due to the fact that he learned about a wonderfully useful thing called a lock, and he was sitting at the table reading. Mokuba was at the table also, sitting across from the older boy.

Everything was quiet and peaceful that morning, and it was boring to Joey. While he was making a simple breakfast of eggs and toast, he grabbed some grapes from the fridge and threw one of them over his shoulder. He waited a moment and nobody said anything, so he threw another over his shoulder. He grumbled slightly and popped one in his mouth. For a few moments he contemplated throwing another, and decided he had nothing to lose and threw another over his shoulder.

"What was that?" he heard Kaiba grumbled. Joey stifled laughter and glanced back at him. Kaiba was looking at the grape which had landed on the table and picked it up. He furrowed his eyebrows but otherwise did nothing more about it. By this time it was hard for Joey to keep from laughing, but still he picked up another grape and threw it over his shoulder. He heard Kaiba grumbling to himself.

Joey allowed himself a small chuckle, and picked up another grape. As he was raising his arm to throw it, someone grabbed his wrist. He looked over to see Kaiba standing over him, a death glare on his face. Joey then saw the unknown emotion pass through the taller boy's eyes like it had a few days earlier, and instead of setting Joey on fire or decking him right then and there, he leaned down with a slightly sly look on his face and bit the end of the grape and gently pulled it free of Joey's fingers. Kaiba then let go of Joey's arm, which fell limp, and went back and sat at the table without saying a word. Joey stared at the table in disbelief. Kaiba sat with his legs crossed, reading, as if nothing just happened. He slowly turned his head back to the stove. He bit his lip. What. Was that? That was definitely not like Kaiba. Joey just had to figure out what was up with him.

Kaiba sat at the table, not even paying the slightest bit attention to his book. He stared at the page blankly, thinking. What was that? Why did he just do that? 'I wonder how he feels about what I just did. But being Joey, he'd never understand...' Kaiba thought to himself.

"Big bro?" Mokuba asked him.

"Hmm? What is it?" Kaiba said, snapping out of his train of thought.

"You've been staring at the same page since you came back from talking to Joey. What happened?"

"Nothing, what makes you think something did, Moki? I'm just thinking, that's all."

"Uhuh, suuuure Big bro. Don't worry, I get it." Mokuba wiggled his eyebrows. Kaiba raised an eyebrow, but disregarded his brothers words.

"Whatever you think, Kid." Kaiba said, looking back down at the book.

"Alright, food's ready!" Joey came in with a big smile on his face.

"Cool! I'm starved!" Mokuba pumped his fist in the air. Joey smiled at that. Kaiba just patiently waited for his breakfast just like any other morning. Joey sat at his by now usual seat right next to Kaiba. Mokuba and Joey joked around like usual, and Kaiba threw in the occasional snarky comment and witty replies. After eating, Mokuba jumped up.

"I'm goin to work with you today." the young boy declared. Kaiba nodded in acknowledgement and walked toward the door.

"C'mon Joey, you coming?" Mokuba called over his shoulder. Joey looked up from where he stood next to the table.

"Nah Squirt, I got things to do today." Joey replied with a grin. Kaiba looked over his shoulder at the blonde with a strange look. What important things could Joey possibly be doing? Even so, he just nodded, and walked out the large mansion doors, with Mokuba trailing behind.

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