Wait... Im a Demigod?!?!

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        My name is Samantha Jackson. How I look? I knew you'd ask. Well, I have sea green eyes and long, blonde, curly hair. I have a few freckles on my nose. I'm not fond of them. Okay now lets get back to my life story.

        I wasn't expecting anything special on my 12th birthday. Well guess what? I was wrong! I blow out the candles to look up and see my parents just staring at my head. My father Percy with his sea green eyes and my mother Annabeth with her stormy gray eyes.

        I look above my head and see a trident hovering there. Out of instinct, I swatted at it. My parents were whispering to each other in Greek. They always spoke Greek when they don't want me to know what they're saying. I did catch a few words. I had studied Greek online for a month or so. I was able to understand the words claiming, and camp, and Poseidon.

        That was when they gave me the letter. It said a lot of stuff, like about the claiming and some random things about demigods, which I already knew about. Because of my dyslexia I could barely read any of the things on the paper so I skipped the last few paragraphs and went to the last sentence. It read, 'Samantha you're a demigod.'


       My name is Daniel Jackson. My appearance? Well, i have messy black hair, the kind that even if you use hair gel wont stay. I have gray eyes, like my moms. I don't have freckles like my sister. I would have liked to have freckles. Well, back to my life story.

     Today was my 12th birthday. On my older sister's 12th she received a letter admitting her to a prestigious boarding school for life! I was hoping I'd be just as lucky. I was 9 when she left so she was just a few years older than me. I was hoping I could meet her at the school. She barely came to visit too. And whenever she came she always had this backpack and mirror with her. Well anyway, back to my birthday. Curse my ADHD!

        I was surprised to see my sister at my birthday. She never came for my birthday. When I blew out the candles my parents were just gazing surprised at my head. I looked up to see an owl just floating over my head. I swatted it, out of instinct. My hand passed right through. Then my mother told me to relax, then she told me everything.


My name is Leah Grace. I have messy brown hair like my mother, Piper's, and electric blue eyes like my father, Jason's.

        Today is my 13th birthday. I was expecting a normal, run of the mill birthday. I was wrong.

The instant i blew i blew out my candles there was a pink flash. I checked to see if i was okay, and saw a big, pink, frilly dress on me. I took out a gift from my grandmother, from my mother's side, a shimmering gold compact mirror. and checked my reflection.

        Just as I suspected, I had makeup on. Lots of makeup. Then my parents started mumbling in Latin.

        They had quite a long conversation, before my dad's face just randomly scrunched up. The kind of face that you'd make when your really focused, but there's so much noise in the room. That face.

        A few minutes later my Aunt Thalia barged into the room. My mother at hot at her heels. When she saw me, she burst out laughing. Then she took me to my room and explained a bunch of stuff to me.

        She said things about the gods, how her and my father were gifted with a telepathic link by their father Zeus/Jupiter, and that I was a demigod, claimed by Aphrodite, who was also my grandmother. which was why i had a dress and a bunch of makeup on. I passed out a few seconds after the word 'demigod'.

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