September 1533, Kexby Manor, Yorkshire

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The smell of books and the sound of a fire crackling in the hearth makes me stop suddenly, as I take it all in. After what seemed like years being trapped in a dark, stuffy room with only the Bible for company, having the freedom to visit any place in this house is almost overwhelming.

But as much as I love the library, I do miss being outside. and I have missed most of the summer. Anthony says that some of the trees are already starting to shed their leaves, but I think that part of me thinks that as soon as I feel the sun on my face, it will all disappear and I will be, once again, in that dreaded room.

There is a bark from the doorway, and I spin around to see my beautiful spaniel standing proudly with a ball held firmly in his mouth. "Dash!" I cry out, running towards him and gathering him up into my arms. "Oh, Dash. How I have missed you!" I tell him, laughing as he pokes his cold nose against my cheek.

Then he jumps out of my arms, scrabbling at the floor until he can find his feet, before sprinting out of the library and into the manor. Laughing, I pick up my skirts and hurtle after him, uncaring for our servants who stare after me in confusion and concern.

Outside, the sun gleams on the piles of red and orange leaves, and I have to stop my chase to breathe in the smell of the warm autumn day. It will be cold later this evening, I know, but now, it is pleasantly warm and I just want to sink into the day and keep it forever.

Dash barks again, running between me and the gate to the walled garden, so I giggle and follow him into the walled garden, shutting the gate behind me. "Are you going to let me throw the ball for you now?" I ask him, confused when he continues to run towards the other side of the garden.

The door is slightly rusty, and creaks loudly when I open it to let us both through, but Dash scampers off so I assume that he has been this way many times with Lucy, or even with Anthony.

Eventually, we come to a small pond that is lined with trees. The sun glitters like the diamonds on Anne Boleyn's coronation crown, and Dash drops the ball, then he races to the side of the water and looks back at me. I understand immediately, and pick up the ball before launching it into the clear waters.

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