We showed up to the first bar at 9 pm. It was a bar and arcade combined, with old school arcade games and all kinds of pinball machines. Dark and I both got drinks, put a few dollars into a machine to get tokens, and started playing games. We spent most of our time playing various versions of pinball, and it was a lot of fun. I had two drinks there and when we left to head to the next location, I could only slightly feel the alcohol. Dark seemed unaffected.

Our next destination was a place that called itself a bar but reminded me of a nightclub. It had cool, bright lights and a huge dance floor. Dark and I each got another drink and I dragged him onto the dance floor.

I was really starting to feel tipsy after my third drink, but I didn't mind. I don't think Dark minded much either. Drinking made me happy and silly and much more confident in my dancing abilities. The DJ kept playing songs that I loved, and I danced up on Dark, not caring what anyone thought. He was smiling a lot more than normal - he seemed entertained by my unusual behavior. We both had a fourth drink, but while I was feeling it, he appeared to be just fine. He helped keep me steady when I began to stumble a little, and he actually was pretty good at taking care of drunk me.

"Almost ready to go home?" he asked when I finished drink number four.

"I want another drink first, then we can leave," I told him.

"It's getting late, Maddy, and you've had a good amount already. How about we wait until we get home to drink more? I have plenty of alcohol at my place," he convinced me.

"Alright, fine. One more song?" I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"One more song," he agreed.

Dark and I teleported back to his place together, and that was a hell of an experience when intoxicated. I suspected that he'd try to get me to drink some water and go to bed once we arrived, but he was smart enough to figure out that I wasn't crazy drunk and I could handle some more. He made me a rum and Coke and we decided to get into our pajamas and watch a movie.

Instead of us teleporting again so I could grab clothes from home, Dark let me borrow some of his clothes. Of course, that meant me raiding his closet and playing dress up. I could tell he was getting a little nervous when I went for his dress clothes that he loved so much, but he didn't seem to mind once I came out in nothing but one of his white dress shirts.

Our movie was quickly forgotten as I finished my drink and we got into bed. Dark let me take charge at first, but soon enough he had me on my back so he could do whatever he wanted to me. Either Dark was really on top of his game or the the effects of the alcohol made me enjoy myself even more than usual. I couldn't help myself - I was vocal about how incredible he was making me feel.

"Yes, Mark! Right there!" I yelled out as he found my spot. I quickly realized my mistake and hoped that he wouldn't notice.

I wasn't so lucky - Dark definitely noticed. He stopped to my dismay and pulled out.

"What did you just say?" he growled.

"I said yes, Dark, right there," I frowned.

"Don't lie to me," he warned, clenching his teeth. "You called me Mark."

"I'm sorry Dark, I didn't mean to. There's just one letter that's different, you look similar, I've had a few drinks...it was a mistake."

For a moment, I wasn't sure what he was going to do. He just glared, silently contemplating what his next move would be. Then, he spoke.

"I understand. But I don't appreciate the fact that you had the gall to lie to me. So I'm going to bed." He grabbed his clothes and got dressed, then disappeared downstairs to get something. I had been so close to a climax and he was going to leave me hanging. That was my punishment from him.

He returned with a glass of water and an Aspirin.

"The pill is for in the morning. You should drink some water before you go to sleep," he suggested as he climbed into bed next to me and turned off the light.

So much for being subtle and hiding the fact that I still had an interest in Mark. I couldn't believe I had made such a stupid mistake. I mean, it was the kind of mistake anyone could make, especially while intoxicated - but still. I wasn't sure how quickly or easily Dark would forgive and forget this. But luckily, alcohol made me tired and that night I fell asleep easily, the guilt not able to keep me awake.

My head hurt when I woke up, understandably. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, though, plus Dark had left me a pill. I took it with the water that I hadn't finished the night before and noticed that the other side of the bed was empty. That probably wasn't a great sign.

I wasn't sure if Dark would want to be bothered, so I decided not to go looking for him. I hopped in the shower and put my clothes from the previous night back on. I could smell bacon as I came down the stairs after getting cleaned up.

"Good morning. I thought a good breakfast might help with the hangover," Dark greeted me, flipping a pancake.

"A good breakfast can help with anything, especially if there's coffee involved," I answered, grabbing a mug and making myself a cup. "Listen, about last night..."

"Don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. I know you won't make one like that again," Dark said coldly. It was clear that next time the punishment for doing something like that wouldn't be so pleasant, so I'd have to make sure there was no next time. I was just glad that he was going to let it go just this once.

Breakfast hit the spot and once I was done, my head was already starting to feel better. I thanked Dark for everything and headed home to get changed and then go out to a shoot I had scheduled. I had a feeling that as long as I didn't go getting drunk around Dark anymore, mine and Mark's secret would be safe, and that was enough to get me through the day.

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